77: Fireworks

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"I love you." Derrek's words knocked the air right out of me and I had to take in a deep breath to convince myself that the world hadn't completely run out of air. He stared into my eyes with such intensity that drew me in further and further by the second.

I had imagined Derrek saying those three little words to me in some grand, romantic gesture but this was much better than I could have ever imagined. It was a simple confession with no grand gesture whatsoever but I had felt like he had bought the moon and gifted it to me.

All of those sweet emotions were soon replaced with fear and uncertainty as I was reminded of my last experience with those very three words. I had forgotten all about it until now.

"You can take your time, Tiara. You don't have to say it back if you don't feel it yet." Derrek gave me a warm smile as he pulled back away from me. I could see the disappointment in his eyes and I felt bad. I did love him and I wanted him to know that but I couldn't help but feel scared.

There was only one guy I had ever said those words to and it seemed like things went downhill for us after I had uttered those words. I didn't want to ruin what I had with Derrek and I knew that I shouldn't have been comparing my relationship with him to my other failed relationships but I was scared.

"I, um, there's a couple of things I have to take care of, so, I'll just get going." Derrek said after a few moments of silence and I glanced up at him to see his sad eyes glancing back at me.

I nodded as I looked down at the floor. I wanted to say something but I couldn't seem to find the right words. What was wrong with me? This was everything I wanted, so, why was I ruining it? Why couldn't I just tell him that I loved him too?

I noticed Derrek's feet approaching me and I looked up just as he stopped right in front of me. He cupped my cheeks with his palms and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

In that moment, I felt all my fears and worries wash away completely. My mind grew quiet and all I could focus on was the feel on his soft, warm lips on my skin. There was something about Derrek that just seemed to make everything better. He made me feel safe and secure and loved. No one else had ever made me feel this way. I knew that now and I needed to let him know that.

With a small smile, Derrek pulled away and turned around to leave.

"Derrek!" I called as he took his first step away from me. He halted his movement and before he could turn around, I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his back.

My heart was racing in my chest as I parted my lips to speak. I was going to tell him exactly how I felt about him and I wasn't going to worry about my words sending off a chain reaction like it had in my past relationship. Derrek was different. He loved me. I believed that and I wasn't going to live in fear of something that could have never happened.

"I love you, Derrek Dune." I declared with a smile forming on my face afterwards.

Derrek gently loosened my arms from around him and turned around to face me. There was a smile on his face as he glanced at me and I looked away, suddenly feeling shy.

"Can you say that again?" He asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Ah an! I didn't ask you to say it again, so, why should I?" I blushed, looking everywhere but at Derrek.

"Do you want to hear me say it again?" He asked and I covered my face with my hands, feeling very shy. "I love you, Tiara Digiola. I love you." The sincerity in his voice made me glance up at him. "I will always love you."

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