44: We Could Use A Time Machine

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"I don't like the way she's looking at you." Matt said and I glanced in the direction of Candice who was glaring daggers at me. "I don't get it, she took your guy. What else does the bi—female want?"

I ignored his almost slip up as I wasn't in the mood to lecture him on why he shouldn't call women the b-word once again.

He had been pretty pissed after I had narrated the story of Derrek's accident and the events that followed after it. He thought it was complete bull that I had to sit back and watch my fiancé flex around town with a fake on his arm. I thought it was bull too cause I didn't like Candice. Why did he like her anyway? She was a horrible person and I couldn't believe anyone could love her or maybe it was just my jealousy talking and she wasn't that bad.

"I don't know for her oh." I turned away from Derrek's fiancée. Derrek was nowhere to be seen and she was seated on one of the lounge chairs all by herself. She was obviously so bored that she had to occupy herself by glaring at me. "I cover myself with the blood of Jesus sha. Whatever evil plan she's cooking up will not work."

"Amen." Matt answered and wrapped his arm around me. "Let's go somewhere else. She's ruined the entire atmosphere."

"We can't leave the VIP lounge. It's yours. The entire club is yours." I pointed out and he nodded in agreement.

"It's fifty percent mine if we're counting but you're right. I should just kick her out instead. Let me get the bouncers." He unwrapped his arm from around me and headed in the direction of the stairs where the bouncers were stationed.

"No! What the hell?" I pulled him back. "Derrek's your friend. You can't kick out his fiancée."

"Fake fiancée and yes, I can." He corrected and I frowned, knowing I was the fake fiancée, not Candice.

"No, you won't. Let's just go somewhere else instead."

"Let's go to the bar then." He suggested and I shook my head. "You're really hellbent on not drinking, aren't you?"

"Yes, so, no alcohol!"

"Fine. You can just watch me drink then. Let's go." He placed his arm around my shoulders and led me towards the stairs.

"Matthew!" I heard a very familiar deep voice and I froze. Matthew glanced down at me and I shook my head, pleading for us to ignore him. The music in the VIP area wasn't that loud and we couldn't pretend we didn't hear him but I didn't care how it made us look. I just wanted to be far away from Derrek. It was too late though because Derrek caught up to us.

"Derrek, bro!" Matt greeted as Derrek walked in front of us. No big surprise, Candice was leeching onto his arm as always.

"I was wondering where you went off to." Derrek said. His eyes flickered to me and they widened for a split second. "Tiara." I felt a weird flip in my stomach as he called my name but I ignored it, clearing my throat before I spoke.

"This party is off the charts, Matthew! I'm having an amazing time!" Candice cut me off before I could respond and I took in a deep breath to stop myself from pulling her hair out.

"You know Tiara?" Matt said, ignoring Candice and I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from laughing at her annoyed expression.

"Oh, yeah. We've met quite a few times." Derrek answered, glancing at me with a smile. "We seem to have a lot of mutual friends."

"Is that so?" Matt sounded sarcastic but Derrek didn't seem to notice as he nodded in response.

"How do you know Tiara?" Derrek went on to ask and Matt pulled me closer to his side and glanced down at me with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Much like Naborhi, I could tell when he was about to do something very stupid.

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