5: Ignore Him, He's Drunk.

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"Are you crazy?" I yelled at Derrek as we walked into his apartment.

"No but I will be if you keep on nagging me." Derrek replied, tired as he crashed down on the cream coloured leather couch.

"I'm not nagging! I'm simply telling you that this is a bad idea!" I clarified, taking a seat on the coffee table opposite where he was seated.

"We are having dinner with Seun and Chioma and that's final." He stated firmly and I scowled at him in annoyance. I was too annoyed to even laugh at his funny British pronunciation of the names 'Seun' and 'Chioma'.

I got even more annoyed by the pain in my ankles and instinctively kicked off my shoes, breathing a sigh of relief once they were off. I felt a bit more relaxed.

"Chioma hates me! We've been rivals since secondary school! She's too nosy and before the night is over, she's going to figure out that we're not really engaged!" I tried to explain but he wasn't paying any heed to my words, instead groaning at every sentence I made.

"Chioma is lovely, Tiara. Seun's an excellent judge of character." He pointed out, turning his face to me. "If Chioma was as evil as you so put it, he would've known and wouldn't have married her." He referred to the statement I made about Chioma being an evil person on the way here.

"I knew her throughout secondary school. She's a manipulator. She only lets you see what she wants you to see, she would never show her ugly side to Seun cause she wouldn't want to send him running to the hills." I tried to reason with him but he wasn't interested in what I had to say, shutting his eyes and turning away from me.

I groaned out loud and glared at him. He was driving me crazy.

Why couldn't he just believe me? Chioma's evil was written all over her face. I couldn't get how anyone could miss it.

"Are you going to stare at me all night?" Derrek voiced as he got up to his feet.

"I'm not staring, I'm glaring. There's a big difference." I pointed out, crossing my arms in hostility.

"Alright then." He let out a yawn, nodding. "Feel free to glare at me while I sleep cause I'm going to bed now." He spun around on his heels and walked off in the direction of his room.

"No! I have to go home. I can't spend the night here." I followed after Derrek who dragged himself lazily into the room. He could barely stand up straight with his back slouched and his head tilted down to the ground.

"It's pouring outside. You can't get anywhere in the rain." He said as he walked over to his wardrobe and straightened up his posture before taking out a hanger and setting it on his bed.

I sighed, knowing he was right.

It had started to rain heavily right before we left the party and the traffic jam was just terrible.

We'd managed to get to his apartment after an hour in the traffic and there was no way I could've gotten home on time, so, Derrek decided it was best I slept over at his, although, I wasn't at all excited about it.

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't forced me to go to the premiere with you, I wouldn't have had to see Chioma or her evil minions and I wouldn't be stuck here with you." I complained and I heard Derrek sigh as he took off his jacket and set it on the bed.

"I'm not holding you hostage, Tiara. You could walk home if you'd like. I'm sure you can handle yourself in the streets at two in the morning." He said with a lazy tone as he took off his shirt, revealing his bare, muscled back to me and I gasped, covering my eyes with my palms.

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