13: Who's Your New House Guest?

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It had been an entire week and I hadn't seen Derrek's break light. Not a single call, not even a text, nothing. I'd been pissed the first few days, thinking about calling just to tell him off. I hadn't done anything wrong, so, I had no idea why he had decided to cut me off. In the space of a few more days, I went from angry to worried to freaking out, especially when my mom started asking about him and our wedding plans. She didn't want a long engagement and she definitely didn't want a long wait until she could hold her grandkids.

Tosin, on the other hand, had hit me up countless times to ask when we were going on the double date Derrek and I had promised but I obviously had to ignore her since I didn't even know if my fake fiancé was still breathing.

It was a Saturday morning and it was pretty cold after it had rained heavily all through the night. I wasn't complaining anyway. I'd always preferred cold whether to hot ones, that was why I loved the rainy season, although, it could get annoying with the unexpected outbursts of rain.

I couldn't forget how I'd been caught out in the rain last month. I'd taken a jog early that morning and in all of my cleverness, I had decided it was a good idea to take a route I was unfamiliar with. It wasn't at all shocking that I'd ended up getting lost in a strange neighborhood.

I was working on finding my way out when suddenly, the rain had began to fall heavily. I'd been soaked in rain water by the time I found a shelter to shield me from the violent showers and I'd caught a cold the next day. It was a horrifying experience I never liked to remember but thankfully, my love for the rain was never dampened.

There was just something so peaceful and relaxing about rain. From the scent of wet sand to the sound of the rain drops hitting the roof and the ground to the cool breeze that embraced everything in its path. I couldn't help but feel at ease anytime it begun to rain.

The sound of rain droplets on my roof pulled me out from my thoughts and I turned towards the window to see droplets of rain flow down the glass. I'd forgotten to open it up after the rain last night and I was thankful I hadn't. I was way too lazy to walk over to shut it if it had been open.

"Tiara! Tiara!" The sound of Adiola's screaming and banging on my door caused me to groan. Was it too much to ask for a morning to myself? "Tiara, mommy said you should come and make breakfast! We're all starving!"

I let out a cry as this information reached my ears. It was just a little past six and I was too tired and too lazy to cook. Why couldn't Adiola make breakfast? She wasn't a kid anymore and she needed to take up more responsibilities but no one would've listened if I said that. She was the baby of the house and everyone had to treat her like a Princess or face the wrath of our mother.


"I'm coming jor! Ah ah! Do you want to break my door down!" I yelled and the banging seized. I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds so I assumed she had gone away and I gave a sigh of relief. Maybe I could rest my eyes for a few seconds before getting up. "Yeah. That sounds-"

"Tiaraoluwa! I will break this door down and drag you out by the hair if you don't come out now!" Mom threatened from the other side of the door and my eyes snapped open.

Wasting no more time, I hurried to the door and unlocked it before turning the door knob to open it.

"Good morning mom." I smiled at her and she just eyed me with her arms crossed over her chest. Adiola was standing right behind her, sticking her tongue out at me. I was provoked in the moment and I reached over my mom's shoulder to strangle her.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She cried as I grabbed a hold of her pyjama shirt.

"Tiara! Are you crazy!?" Mom yelled. "You have the right to play this nonsense play in my presence, abi? Let your sister go before I break your hand!" She warned and I retracted my hands immediately. "You will not act your age now. Don't you remember you'll soon be a married woman?"

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