21: A Friendly Game

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"You're quite the lucky girl, you know." Derrek said as he set my plate down before me. The aroma of the food filled my nostrils and I found myself drooling already.

"Why?" I asked, taking my eyes off the food to glance at Derrek who was dishing out his food.

"I've never cooked for anyone at midnight before." He said, glancing at me and I smiled. Hearing that made me feel really good. I was the first girl he had done this for. He'd never even done it for Candy. Tiara-one, Candy-zero.

Just when I realized what I'd been thinking, Derrek spoke once more.

"Don't feel too special though. I only did this because you challenged me."

"You could have let me eat the porridge and rate it instead." I pointed out and he nodded, giving a sigh of defeat.

"Okay, fine. You got me." He put his arms up in surrender. "I was just trying to show off. Plus, I was hungry and the leftover porridge is only enough for one."

I rolled my eyes. Of course, he was trying to show off. How could I have thought I was special to him? Why was I even thinking such things?

"Alright." Derrek said rubbing his palms together as he set his plate down beside me. "Dig in." He took a seat and turned around to face me, placing his elbow on the table and using his knuckles to support his head.

"W-Why?" I felt suddenly nervous as his gaze never wavered from me. "Why are you staring? Carry on with your meal." I tried to shoo him away with my hands but he didn't move.

"Go on. Tell me what you think." He encouraged and I shook my head, leaning back to the chair and crossing my arms in protest.

"Not until you stop staring."

"Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?" He smirked as he said this and I swallowed hard, turning away from him. Derrek pulled his chair closer to me until his knees were touching the edge of my seat then he leaned closer. "How about now?"

I felt Derrek's breath fan my cheek and an involuntary shiver passed through me. My heart began to pound in my chest and I felt a weird dance in the pit of my stomach. It was all because Derrek was so close to me and I couldn't understand it. I jumped out of my seat in order to get away from him.

"I'm not hungry anymore. You can taste it yourself." I said as I scurried away in the direction of the guest room.

"Wait!" Derrek called and I halted but I didn't turn around. "I was just goofing around. I won't be a bother to you, so, you can eat your food in peace."

I heard movement from behind me and I turned around to see Derrek was up on his feet with his plate in hand.

"I'll just have this in my room." He said with a straight face. There was no hint of the playful Derrek from a few seconds ago. "The table is all yours."

I parted my lips to protest but Derrek glanced away from me and headed over to his room without another word. I stood there for a few moments, confused. I couldn't understand what had just happened. Had I done something to upset him?

I had dinner by myself and as much as I hated to admit it, Derrek was an amazing cook. I was tempted to go for seconds but I felt it would have been rude to do so without asking if I could. It was his food and his house after all.

Shortly after, I retired to the guest room to get some rest but I couldn't close my eyes without replaying the events that had happened today, so, I picked up my phone and distracted myself with social media for a while. Eventually, I fell asleep but my dreams had turned into horrid nightmares. I had killed Ruby in them and then, my stomach had grown out a few seconds later, proving to everyone that she was right, that I was indeed pregnant.

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