8: I'm Done With You

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"Isn't he coming again?" Mom asked as she checked the wall clock and I sighed, shrugging.

"He said he was on his way." I answered, silently praying for Derrek to show up.

In truth, I'd tried to reach him but his number wasn't available. I hadn't been able to get through to him all day and I was worried. Worried that if he bailed on this dinner, I was never going to hear the end of it from my parents.

"Doesn't he know it's rude to be late to meet his in-laws?" Mom was clearly annoyed now. I couldn't blame her though since we'd been waiting at the dinner table for almost an hour now. Everyone was starving and our dinner was getting cold.

"You sure know how to pick them. Don't you, Tiara?" My older brother, Benjamin teased and I glared at him. There was no way he was going to miss an opportunity to tease me.

"I'm sure it's the hold up. You know how bad Lagos traffic is." I fibbed and they all seemed to buy it.

"Ten more minutes and I'm serving dinner. He can starve when he gets here." Mom said, getting up on her feet. "I'll be up in my room till then. I can't stare at the food any longer."

"If he's not taking this seriously, I doubt he would be serious about your marriage." Dad said, also getting up. It was the first time he'd spoken that night.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to be—"

"First, he canceled yesterday and today, he's late. He's off to a very bad start." Benjamin cut me off. "I thought for once you'd found yourself a decent guy but no such luck."

I looked down at the table as tears began to form in my eyes.

"Call me when he gets here. I'm going to my room." Benjamin said and I looked up to see him leave the table.

"Sorry, Tia." Adiola gave me a hug, an apologetic look on her face as she pulled back, then, she followed after Benjamin.

It was just me now, all alone like always.

Benjamin had always preferred our younger sister, Adiola to me and Adiola had also been my parents favorite even though they never admitted it.

I was all alone in this house and I felt like a screw up being the only child who wasn't winning at life. I'd thought being 'engaged' would turn things around for me but thanks to Derrek, the entire family now thought even less of me.

I picked up my phone as the first tear dropped and dialed Derrek again but his number still wasn't available.

The tears flowed down immediately after that and I placed my head down on the table and sobbed.


It was about past ten pm when my phone rang. I'd just fallen asleep and I was pissed that someone had called to wake me up.

My frown deepened as I saw Derrek's name flash on my screen. It was now he'd decided to call me back.

Hissing, I cut the call and tried to go back to sleep but he called again. I put my phone on silent and dropped it on the bedside table before laying back on my bed.

The sleep had cleared from my eyes now and that made me very upset.

I spent the next few minutes trying to go back to sleep but I couldn't when Derrek's annoying face kept showing up in my head.

I hated him so much. He was a terrible person. I'd gone to events with him. I'd even gone out to dinner with Seun and Chioma for him but when I asked him to show up on the one important night, he didn't bother to. He only just reminded me that this engagement of ours was fake and that he didn't really give a crap about me.

"Idiot!" I hissed, adjusting in my bed.

A moment later, there was a knock on my door, then, it opened, revealing a guilty looking Derrek and a grinning Adiola.

"I had to sneak him in here, so, be quiet. I'm not sure if mom and dad are awake or not." Adiola said as she walked in with Derrek. "Bye, Derrek!" She waved at Derrek before winking at me.

As soon as she closed the door behind her, I glared at Derrek, sitting up in my bed.

"Why are you here?" I crossed my arms in hostility as I gave him a blank stare.

"Tiara, I'm so sorry." He apologized, walking up to my bed and I frowned, looking away from him. "I ran into some old friends and we'd just gone to have a few drinks. I hadn't realized time had flown by."

I scoffed as he said this, tilting my head backwards, so, I was staring at my white ceiling.

He had blown me off for his friends.

"Tiara." He called and I closed my eyes as I took in a deep breath. I was so angry and I knew if I opened my mouth to speak, I was going to scream the entire house down. "I'm  really sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Just get out." I said in the calmest voice I could muster as I opened my eyes. "Get out of my room."

"Tiara, I really didn't—"

"I asked you for just two hours! Two bloody hours!" I yelled and I cleared my throat as I caught myself before taking a deep breath. I really needed to calm down. "Just leave. I can't do this right now."

"We'll talk tomorrow then?" He said, his gaze hopeful.

"Nope. I'm done." I said, shaking my head.


"I'm done with this stupid engagement. I'm done with you. I'm done with all of this, so, no! We won't be talking tomorrow or ever!"

There was no point in pretending to be happy and engaged if it only made things worse than they had been before. The whole point of this was to make me look better in front of my friends, family and enemies but clearly, that wasn't happening, so, what was the need?

"No, you can't back out of this!" Derrek walked back to my bed and I scoffed.

"I can and I have." I got off the bed and headed for the door. "See yourself out." I motioned for him to get out of my room.

"You signed a contract, Tiara." Derrek walked up to me. "I could sue you for breech in contract."

"Go ahead then. I don't care." I deadpanned.

"Alright then." He frowned. "You'll be hearing from my lawyers soon."

"Get out." Was my response to him as I opened the door, keeping it wide enough for him to walk out.

He muttered something under his breath as he walked out but I didn't care to know.

I slammed the door after him and a sob broke loose immediately after. I'd managed to mess up my life even more than before. I should've never lied.

I decided shortly after I was done crying that I was going to tell my family the truth in the morning. They couldn't have been anymore disappointed in me than they already were anyway.


Ooh! Tiara's pissed af

Would the engagement really be called off?

Stay tuned to find out 😉

Thanks for reading loves❤️

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