67: That girl and her anger issues

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I pushed Derrek away instantly. I didn't know why I did but my hands had reacted before my brain could register what they were doing and I instantly regretted it. I felt even worse after seeing the disappointed look on Derrek's face.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know why I did that. I was out of line." He apologized, taking a step back from me. He couldn't even look me in the eye.

I parted my lips to speak but I couldn't say anything, even though I wanted to. Instead, I watched him leave the kitchen after apologizing some more.

"Tiara!" I groaned, face palming myself multiple times. Why did I push him away? He was about to kiss me. I had always wanted him to but now that it had almost happened, I pushed him away. Why?

I gave a heavy sigh and went over to get the mop leaning by the wall to clean up the water that had spilled on the floor. After that, I looked around the kitchen for more chores I could do to pass the time. It wasn't like Derrek's kitchen was a mess or that I felt I had to clean up, the truth was that I didn't want to leave the kitchen cause if I did, I would have had to see Derrek and things were going to get very awkward between us. I hated awkwardness. I couldn't stand it at all and if I could, I would have jumped out of the kitchen window to avoid it. Sadly, the window was shielded by iron bars to prevent anyone jumping out obviously. Plus, we were seven floors up. I would never have made it to the ground in one piece.

After minutes of running possible scenarios in my head, I summoned up the courage to step out of the kitchen. I was so determined to tell Derrek how I had felt about him just a few hours ago but I freaked out when he tried to kiss and now, I was terrified of seeing him again. There was something really wrong with me.

Slowly, I walked to the exit with my hands clasped in front of me and peeked out once I got to the door. I searched out for Derrek but he was not in the living room or in the dining area. Taking in yet another deep breath, I hurried into the living room. I was just going to grab the purse I had left on the couch and leave before Derrek resurfaced.

Nodding at the plan I had come up with, I proceeded to the couch and snatched my purse before sprinting for the door. I pulled the door open and was met with a surprise. I screamed as I almost crashed into Derrek. What was he doing outside? When did he leave the house? I didn't hear him go out.

"Whoa!" Derrek chuckled and I took a few steps back with my hand over my racing heart as I took in deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Do you think this is funny?" I glared at him. "I almost had a heart attack!"

"You should have seen your face." He continued to laugh and I rolled my eyes at him. "You seemed in a hurry to leave though. Is everything okay?" The smile was soon wiped away from his face and I was reminded of what had almost happened in the kitchen.

"Uh." I dragged, thinking of an excuse. What was I supposed to say? I feel awkward now cause I acted like an idiot when you tried to kiss me? "Ana called. She said it was urgent." I fibbed and his expression morphed into a worried one.

"Is she okay?" He asked and I nodded, avoiding eye contact with him. I needed to get away from him ASAP before I embarrassed myself any further.

"Thanks for lunch. I'll talk to you later." I said and made my way to the door but Derrek didn't step aside.

"Tiara." He called in a low, breathy voice and I glanced up at him slowly. He pressed his lips together for a moment and took in a deep breath before he spoke. "I, um, I'm sorry I tried to kiss you. I didn't mean to over step my boundaries at all, I just, um—" He paused for a few moments. "I'm really sorry."

I had never seen Derrek look so soft before. He was stuttering and he looked so nervous and embarrassed, rubbing the nape of his neck, looking everywhere but at me. This side of Derrek made him look a million times cuter than he had before. The confident, six feet plus Derrek Dune was gone now and stood before me was a Derrek who stumbled on his words and could barely stand in one place as he spoke. He couldn't even make eye contact with me and I could have been terribly wrong but I thought I had figured out what was going on with Derrek at that moment and that thought gave me a shot of confidence to do what I never thought I could have. I didn't even stop to think of the consequences of my actions if I was wrong as I took a big step towards Derrek.

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