78(Part II): A Moment's Peace

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This is the second part of Chapter 78. Please make sure to read the first part❤️

Also, thanks for 24k reads❤️❤️❤️

My eyes sprung open as I jumped awake and my chest heaved up and down with my lips parted as I tried to gasp for air. I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was suffocating in here. Tears began to roll down my face and I felt like my heart was on fire. It hurt so much that I wanted to rip it out for a moment's peace. I could tell I had a nightmare but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was about.

"Tiara! Tiara, you're awake! Benjamin call the doctor!" The sound of my mother's voice called my attention and I noticed her at the side of my bed, staring down at me with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong? Are you finding it hard to breathe?"

I continued to gasp for air and soon began to feel light headed. The entire room began to spin and I was sure I would have fallen if I was standing up. My face began to tingle and black spots started to dot my vision.

"She's crashing!" I heard a voice say before everything went black.


"Tiara." I heard a muffled voice say as I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. I could hear the faint sounds of the rain and I could smell the wet sand. A cool breeze washed over me, causing me to shiver.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the blurry outline of someone hovering above me.

"Tiara, can you hear me?" I heard my mom say as I blinked continuously to clear up my vision and soon, my mother's face came into view.

"Mom, what happened?" I questioned as I glanced round the hospital ward. I couldn't remember how I had ended up here. Was I involved in an accident or was I sick perhaps?

"You know who I am?" She asked and I slowly nodded, wondering why she was asking me such a strange question. "Thank you Jesus!" She praised as she wrapped her arms around me.

"How did I end up here?" I asked as she pulled away.

"You don't remember?" She asked and I shook my head in response. She gave a sigh. "You and Derrek were in a car accident. That girl, Candice crashed into Derrek's car right in front of our house."

"W-Where is Derrek? Is he okay?" I panicked. I couldn't see Derrek here. He should have been here by my side if he was alright. Had something bad happened to him?

My mom gave a heavy sigh and I began to panic.

"Mom, w-where is Derrek?" I managed to speak out as I felt a lump in my throat. As if on cue, Derrek rolled into the ward on a wheelchair. I stared at him, confused. "D-Derrek."

"Tiara!" He rushed up to me, taking my hand in his. "You remember me." He said, giving a sigh of relief.

"Of course I remember you." Why were they acting like I had amnesia?

"I'll go and call the doctor." Mom said before she walked out of the ward, leaving Derrek and I alone.

"What happened to you? Are you—" I paused, looking for the right word to use. I didn't want to sound insensitive if he was indeed paralyzed. It did break my heart to see him that way. I couldn't even feel any pain and here he was in a wheelchair. I felt guilty for being alright when he was not.

"I had a spinal surgery after the accident. The doctors said I'll make a full recovery but it's going to take sometime until I'm able to walk well on my own." He explained and I felt relief. He was only on the wheelchair temporarily.

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