7: It's A Date

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"You made a big mistake bringing me here, Derrek. A big, big, big mistake." I told him as we walked into the big, fancy restaurant. The name had skipped my mind right after my eyes looked away from the big sign plastered to the top of the building.

Derrek stopped and turned me to face him, cupping my shoulders with his palms and lowered himself until we were of equivalent height, then, he spoke.

"You. Cannot. Embarrass. Me." He spelt out like he was talking to a little child. I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.

"I will embarrass you if you don't make up some excuse for us to leave right now." I said stubbornly, crossing my arms over chest as I pulled my lips down in a frown.

"I can't, Tiara." Derrek gave a heavy sigh, letting go of me and straightening up. He towered over me like he usually did. "Seun's my best mate. We haven't hung out in a little over a year and he's really excited about catching up. He also wants to get to know my fiancee. I can't deny him that."

I gave a sigh as I saw the sincere look in his eyes. He was a good friend and didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings but here I was acting like a terrible fake fiance.

"Fine." I gave in, uncrossing my arms and easing the frown off my face. Derrek broke into a grin, showing off his perfect white, pearly teeth and the deep dimples embedded in both his cheeks. He had a beautiful, contagious smile. I had no idea when I smiled too. "But if Chioma comes at me, I won't hold back."

I spotted Chioma and Seun almost immediately and I took in a deep calming breath before plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Chioma, darling." I faked a grin as she got up to greet me.

"Tiara sweetheart, how are you?" Chioma walked over to me with an equally fake grin as she gave me one of those sophisticated cheek kisses, making the kissing sound with her mouth as she did so but she didn't fail to pinch my arm in the process.

"Ow!" I cried and she faked concern.

"What happened?" She asked, smirking at me. Of course, Derrek and Seun couldn't see her expression as she had her back to them.

"It's nothing. Never mind it." I brushed it off, only cause Derrek and Seun's eyes were on me.

I had hoped Chioma would've been civil tonight for the sake of her husband but she was the same old troublemaker that went out of her way to torture me. She seemed to have forgotten that I was the only one that could treat her screw up. I was going to remind her who she was messing with tonight. Two could play that game.

"Seun, it's nice to see you again!" I walked over to Chioma's husband, stretching my hand out to him.

"Likewise." He smiled as he took my hand in a friendly shake.

I could see Derrek and Chioma exchanging pleasantries and I almost shook my head at how spot on her acting was. She had pretended to be the nicest person on the planet, an angel when she was the devil herself.

Oh before the night was over, I was going to expose her for who she really was and the whole world was going to see just how terrible she was.

I winked at Chioma as she glanced at me and she frowned, knowing I was up to something dangerous. She knew me too well.

Thirty minutes went by and everything was going good and as normal as a double date could be.

Chioma hadn't tried any of her antics and I was patiently waiting for the right moment to strike which thankfully was now.

"Speaking of bullies," I chipped in after Seun had wrapped up his story about the senior that bullied him in secondary school and how that senior now worked for him. "Chioma, do you remember Susan Adebayo?" I turned to Chioma who narrowed her eyes at me, as if trying to figure out where I was going with this.

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