70: Name Your Price

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Everything should have been perfect. Derrek had finally confessed his feelings for me and I was over the moon. For the first time, I had felt like everything was going great, like my life had finally taken a positive turn after all the drama I had witnessed the past few months but I guess my trials weren't over just yet.

It had all happened so fast and I could barely process everything that had happened. None of it felt real but it was my reality whether I chose to believe it or not.

"Could you tell me one more time what happened last night?" Detective Kabir asked, pulling me back to reality.

I blinked multiple times as I felt my eyes tear up and I leaned back in the white plastic chair I was seated on. I glanced around the small, dimly lit room with no windows. I felt very suffocated as I looked round. It didn't help that there was a detective hounding me.

"Miss Digiola, why did you push Ruby off the roof?" Detective Kabir repeated the question I had been asked so many times already.

I recalled the events that took place only a couple of hours ago and drew in a deep breath before I began my narration.

*A few hours ago*

Derrek had just dropped me off at home after taking me out to lunch. We were taking things slowly, so, there were no labels defining our relationship yet but we had been spending a lot of time together and Derrek had been the sweetest person. He seemed like he really cared about me and although there was a nagging voice in my head, telling me not to trust him so easily, I found myself falling even deeper for him and it had only been a week since he confessed his feelings.

I headed into the house and went straight up to my room, not at all surprised that the house was empty. Benjamin must have been at work and Adiola had been at my Aunt's house in Abuja. She had left, upset that I had almost left her without an explanation and I couldn't blame her. I was going to run off to New York like a coward and leave my family and friends behind.

I was home alone most of the time and I was honestly starting to miss my mom. I was scared though of how everything would have played out once she and my dad got home. We'd never had a proper conversation about the Derrek and Candice situation. I hadn't even told them about Ruby's newest wahala.

With a sigh, I crashed down on my bed. My feet ached from the cute but painful stilettos I had on for my lunch date and all I wanted to do was fall asleep. However, I couldn't cause I had promised to meet up with Ziora.

After Zahrah's extended stay in Abuja, she was finally coming up to Lagos and I was excited to see her. Ziora had booked us a spa date to relax before Zahrah's welcome party at Ziora's hotel room.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I managed to pull myself up to my feet and just as I headed over to the bathroom, I heard my phone buzz. I dashed back to the bed, hoping it was Derrek who had texted. He had said he would text me when he got back home.

I grinned as I unlocked my phone to see a cute message from Derrek.

Derrek: Did you get in okay? I just got home myself. Bored already. Say the word and I'll come right over. I miss you already.

I read the message over and over again and each time, I felt butterflies flutter around in the pit of my stomach. Why was Derrek so cute?

Me: I've got plans with Ziora. Booked for the whole day. Stay strong, Dune.

I giggled as I sent the message and set my phone down on the bed. I proceeded to freshen up and then, I threw on a baby pink hoodie and matching sweatpants with a pair of white Nike trainers. I put on a black shoulder length Bob wig and grabbed my phone and purse before heading out.

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