24: Let's Kidnap My Cousin

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"We kidnap her." I answered and everyone was silent for a few moments before Zahrah spoke up.

"I'm game."

"I second that." Ziora shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Let's do it!" Naborhi clapped her hands in excitement and I stared at my friends in shock. I expected them to laugh or call me crazy but they looked dead serious.

"Oh, wow. I was just kidding the first time but why the hell not? Let's do it. Let's kidnap my cousin." I shrugged. What was the worst that could happen? We all went to jail on kidnapping charges. Sure, I didn't want to go to jail but I was on a revenge seeking rampage and I guess I wasn't thinking too straight.

The next hour went by with Zahrah drawing up the perfect plan for kidnapping. She nailed every angle and I might have just been crazy but she seemed experienced with this, like she had kidnapped someone before. It was kind of scary. Ziora and Naborhi, on the other hand, were very excited, squealing about how this was the most exciting thing to happen to them in months. These girls were insane. I could see why we all got into so much trouble growing up.

"I've got the outfits covered." Naborhi said once we were done going over the plan one more time. "Your job is to get Ruby's schedule tomorrow and then, we pick the perfect spot to bitchnap her." She rubbed her palms together afterwards and gave an evil cackle.

"We are totally going to jail for this." I shook my head in disbelief. I still couldn't believe we were considering doing this. I hadn't done something this crazy in years. I had turned away from my wild ways a long time ago and sometimes, it felt like crazy Tiara was a totally different person from myself.

"That's on you and Ana. Zizi and I were never here." Zahrah denied before hanging up.

"Goodluck, babies! Keep us posted!" Ziora said in a sing song voice and waved goodbye before hanging up.

"Well then," Naborhi got up to her feet. "Let's get started."

I shook my head in disbelief and laughed at the entire situation. I loved these girls so much. They always had my back growing up and it was good to know that they still did.

"If I ever murder someone, I'm totally calling you guys."

"Great! I know all the best spots in Lagos to hide a dead body." She winked at me before walking off in the direction of her bedroom. I laughed.

I closed the laptop and got off the floor to grab a bite in the kitchen. It was evening already and I was starting to feel a little hungry. Naborhi always had all sorts of snacks lying around in her fridge and I felt like pizza, so, I made a move for one.

Just as I set the leftover pizza into the microwave to heat up, I felt a buzz on my upper left thigh. I took my phone out from my jeans and I saw Derrek's name flash on my screen. My heart jumped in my chest on seeing his name and I cleared my throat, ignoring the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, before picking up.

"Derrek, hi." I answered, wondering why he had called. I'd only left his house this morning. He certainly didn't miss me so much that he had called.

"Tiara, you need to get back here." Derrek said, ignoring my greeting. His voice was so low it was almost a whisper.

"What? Why?" I asked as I walked back to the living room.

"Well, um-" He paused for a moment and my eyebrows pulled together in confusion. What was going on? "Your parents are here, in my apartment."

"What!" I yelled out with wide eyes. My parents were at Derrek's house? Why were they there? How did they even find out where he lived?

"Ruby's here as well and they're pretty pissed, so, can you get here before they cut my head off? Please?"

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