11: You Dated Michael B Jordan?

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"Oh, God. This is going to end very badly." I said as Derrek and I got out of the car. I stared at the dozens of people mingling and dancing in the large garden which has been illuminated with dozens of Christmas-like lights and colorful swirling lights.

When Naborhi said her cousin's birthday party, I never would have thought she'd meant an actual party with people standing and drinking and dancing cause the silly girl didn't specify and I lived by the saying "It's better to be overdressed than under dressed.".

Thankfully the red body con dress I had on could've passed for a party-party dress. The dress had been from my friend's Summer line and had two small straps wrapped around the arm like a small band. It also had a slit then went up to my mid thigh and the silk, glossy material looked better in the dim lighting. My shoes were block heels with see through straps around the top of my feet and my ankles. I looked really good and from the way Derrek's jaw dropped when he came to pick me up, I'd say he was impressed as well.

"Why are you always so negative?" Derrek shook his head as he rounded the car to stand beside me.

"I'm not negative. I'm a realist. There's a big difference." I corrected and he rolled his eyes in response, causing me to smack his arm.

"Oww!" He groaned, rubbing the spot I'd hit. "That...didn't hurt at all."

I stuck my tongue out at him childishly and he made a motion to pinch my tongue, causing me to jump back. I lost my balance and stumbled backwards but he'd caught me before I could fall.

"Careful there." He said as he pulled his arms closer to his body in an attempt to straighten me up. "We don't want you ruining that smoking hot dress. Now, do we?" He smirked as his eyes trailed down my dress.

"Are you mad?!" I yelled, shoving him back and I stumbled once again as his grip loosened from around me. This time I grabbed his top arms before he'd wrapped his arms around me once again. "T-Thanks." I blushed as I felt his toned arms. He must've really worked out.

He steadied me and then let me go but his arms lingered next to me incase I stumbled once more.

I took in his outfit once again and I couldn't help but admire how good he'd looked. He was simply dressed in a white T-shirt and black cut out jeans, paired up with a black and white plaid blazer and white adidas converse and yet he looked so ravishing that I could barely believe my eyes.

How did he look so good?

"You're staring, Tiara." Derrek said in a sing song voice and my head snapped up to his amused face.

"Staring? Me? No." I denied, waving my hands dismissively. "I thought I saw a stain on your shirt but it was just a bug. It's gone now." I flicked his T-shirt in an attempt to drive away the non-existent bug but I ended up flicking his chest.

"Tiara, darling—"

"Don't!" I put my hand up to stop him from speaking. He was using his teasing voice and I already knew he was about to say something I wouldn't like.

"Fine. I won't say anything else." He put his arms up in surrender and I scowled at him.

"Now, we'll have to be careful around Naborhi. She'll call our bullshit if we slip up even once, so, we have to act as a real life couple. Understand?"

In response, Derrek took a step closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

"What are you doing!?" My eyes widened in shock. He'd taken me by surprise.

"Practicing." He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I'm a natural at this but it's obvious that you're not. You can't flinch anytime I hold you, it'll give us away."

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