63: Midnight Sugar Picnic

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I swiftly moved my head to the right, dodging the fist that came straight for my face and immediately threw a right swing at my opponent's face. I successfully landed a punch in her cheek and the crowd surrounding us cheered. She stumbled backward, lightly touching her cheek and glared arrows and daggers at me before attacking me once again.

I took a fighting stance, watching her movement as she came for me and when I noticed her right arm move, I predicted her next move and countered with my arm, then, I locked my left leg around her right one and pulled back, causing her to loose her balance and fall down on her butt.

"You should stay down, Candice. You can never beat me." I told the annoyed woman and she scowled at me before jumping back up to her feet. She took a fighting pose and motioned for me to attack her.

I licked my lower lip as I planned my next move. This fight had been going on for a while and I could feel my energy level start to fall. If I couldn't come up with a way to put Candice down for good very soon, I was going to loose the match.

After calculating my next moves, I attacked. I threw a left hook and a right hook and as Candice blocked the attacks, I took a knee shot but she had jumped back in time. She was fast and well skilled, I had to give her that but there was no way I was going to let her beat me.

Candice tried once again to attack me and this time, I hadn't been swift enough to dodge her punch. She got me in the jaw and I felt pain explode in my jaw. I wiggled my jaw as I stepped back from her and she smirked, clearly enjoying seeing me in pain.

Angry, I delivered a triple kick and got her right on the side of her head. The powerful impact of the kick knocked Candice down and she groaned as she laid there, steering a little.

I jumped awake as the sound of my phone ringing beside my head blared into my ear. I groaned as I grabbed the phone and answered the call, too tired and sleepy to check the caller ID.

"You're asleep?" Came Derrek's voice and all signs of sleepiness completely vanished. I turned on my bedside lamp and checked the time. It was a little after midnight. "Shit, sorry."

"Derrek?" I rolled onto my back and switched the phone to my left ear. "It's 12am. Why are you calling?"

"I was worried. You said you were going to call me yesterday but you didn't." He replied and I thought back, trying to remember when I had said I would call him.

"Oh, right." I said as I recalled when he had asked me to update him on my meet with the girls after the whole Candice exposing me to my friends situation. "I didn't think you meant it."

"I did mean it. I mean, I just wanted to know you were okay." He said and I squinted my eyes, suspicious. Why did he sound like he cared all of a sudden? Derrek calling to check up on me was weird.

"I'm okay, I guess." I shrugged and I heard him let out a breath of air.

"Are your friends still mad at you?" He asked and I heard the sound of a loud honk from outside my window. I hissed, knowing it had been none other than my neighbor, Mr Martins. He always showed up at odd hours of the night and honked until the entire street was up. Would it have killed him to call someone in the house to open up for him? He had interrupted my sleep more times than I could count.

I was about to reply Derrek when I heard the honk once again and then, I heard it echo from my phone. At first I had thought nothing of it but when the horn went off almost immediately after, I heard the sound echo from the phone once again. It almost sounded like it had been the same car horn.

"Derrek, where are you right now?" I asked, getting off my bed. I walked over to the window to see if Derrek's car had been outside my gate as I had suspected.

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