14: Trouble In Paradise

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"Derrek! You're home." I said awkwardly as I turned around to see an annoyed looking Derrek. He looked passed me to Luke and Cassidy and I instantly felt embarrassed as he had totally ignored me.

"Who the hell is she?" Derrek asked, his confusion morphing into annoyance.

"T-This is Cassidy from school. She was in the area and dropped by to say hi to her best bruv, Luke." Luke lied so unconvincingly. It was like he was trying to get caught in his lies.

"And why is she wearing my t-shirt?" Derrek questioned further.

"It's his t-shirt?" Cassidy and I chorused.

"I was wrong, Luke. He's definitely going to torture you for decades, then, kill you slowly and as painful as possible."

"Exactly, what she said." Cassidy nodded in agreement and Luke swallowed hard.

"Look! Tiara's here! Question her instead!" Luke directed at me and Derrek glanced back at me with his angry eyes, causing my heart to pound in my chest. This was a big mistake, I should never have come here.

"Just to be clear. This-" I gestured Luke and Cassidy. "-had already happened when I got here. I am just as unaware as you are. I almost passed out in shock when I saw Cassidy, like, there's no way Luke would've let his girlfriend into the house without Derrek's permission, right? She must've been the ghost haunting the penthouse and stealing phones for the past week which would explain why you haven't called me in a week?"

"What?" Derrek said the same time Luke said, "Well, that took a turn."

"Why haven't you called me?" I questioned, crossing my arms. I shouldn't have been saying this in the presence of Luke or Cassidy but I'd blurted it out before I could realize what I was saying. Derrek gave a small sigh before walking up to me.

"Come with me." He said before walking past me and heading into his room. "Luke, you better not go anyway or I will be calling your mom."

"Yes, cousin Derrek." Luke nodded like a good little boy and I would've laughed at how terrified he'd looked if I wasn't so sure his expression had mirrored mine.

I frowned and crossed my arms once again as we walked into Derrek's room. I reminded myself that Derrek had been the one at fault and not me. I didn't have to explain anything to him but he had a lot of explaining to do.

"First of all, why are you in my house?" Derrek questioned, turning around to face me.

"No, no." I wagged my index finger at him in disagreement. "You do not get to ask the questions. I do!" I pointed out, taking a few angry steps towards him.

He was about to speak up when I covered his mouth with my palm. I felt a slight tingle in my palm as I did so. His lips had felt so soft on my skin, however, I ignored it. I should've been thinking about that.

"You will answer my questions first." I stated firmly and he rolled his eyes, pulling my hand off his face, then, he took an intimidating step forward, forcing me to take one back.

"And what would you do if I refuse to answer your questions?" He arched an eyebrow at me, challengingly. He looked more annoyed than anything else as he stared down at me.

"Why haven't you contacted me the past week?" I questioned, ignoring his previous question.

"I was busy." He simply said and I got even more annoyed.

"Busy? What do you mean you were busy?"

"I mean, I was busy." He turned around and headed to his closet. He searched through his clothes for a couple of seconds before pulling out a gray t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, then, he laid them neatly on his bed, completely ignoring my presence.

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