55: The Girl Who Torpedoed My Life

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"I cannot believe Derrek was married this entire time." Tosin scoffed, shaking her head. I averted my eyes from her and stared out of the window, focusing on the buildings that blurred by.

It had been very long morning and I wanted nothing more than to stay curled up in my bed while ignoring the rest of the outside world but my friends had other ideas.

Unlike other people who would have bought me ice-cream and put on cheesy romcoms to laugh and cry to, my friends took me on a hunt instead. We were going on a hunt to find the girl who torpedoed my life.

"I cannot believe we trusted Rachel. I'm usually a great judge of character but somehow Rachel fooled me too." Naborhi scoffed and I gave a heavy sigh.

Rachel had single handedly torpedoed my life and for what? Fame? Fortune? Was this payback for not giving her dirt on Derrek initially? Was that why she wanted to ruin my life along with his?

I gave a humorless laugh, shaking my head in disbelief.

If Rachel's plan had been to ruin Derrek's reputation she hadn't succeeded at all because somehow the public and directed their hate towards me. I was the harlot who tried to snatch someone else's husband. Candice had become a victim in the media and Derrek had been a man who had been seduced by a wicked girl such as myself and fell into the temptation. I was made the villain when in truth, I was the victim. I had no idea that Derrek and Candice were married. No one did, not even Derrek's best friend, Alex.

The story had spread wide and fast considering it was a scandal involving a world famous model. I hadn't realized just how famous Candice was until her fan base started to attack me on social media. I'd lost count of all the death threats I'd received. It was all too much.

My parents had called from Singapore where they had just flown to for a conference and they were pretty pissed off. However, it gave me some comfort knowing that they didn't think I was guilty of what the original article and several other gossip blogs had accused me of. They were only mad at Derrek for deceiving and lying to us all.

I felt horrible and guilty and I did blame myself more times than I could count. All this had happened because I wasn't content with my life. I tried to be someone I wasn't and I had deceived everyone I loved just so I didn't feel so much like a failure. If I had never gotten involved with Derrek, none of this would have happened. How was I supposed to explain to people that Derrek and I were never together? How could I tell anyone that I had only pretended to be engaged to Derrek? My life had turned out much worse than it had been initially and I didn't know what to do. I was done for.

"Tiara, we'll clear your name, okay? Don't worry too much." Naborhi said but I couldn't bring myself to respond. Instead, I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. Maybe if I could fall asleep, I could escape this nightmare that was my life, even if it was for a little while.

"Is that the house?" I heard Naborhi say a couple of minutes later and I opened my eyes to see where we were at.

We were driving rather slowly down a street with white colored duplexes on both sides of the street. Tosin slowed down some more as we approached the house at the right end of the street.

"Yeah." Tosin said as the car came to a stop at the side of the road. "Tiara, we've got this. You don't need to stress your pretty little head, okay?" She turned to me and I gave a nod. I was trying to stay away from violence lately. I was trying a different approach to things, like I had with Chioma at the beach.

"Also, please refrain from committing a federal crime. Leave all that gruesome stuff to me." Naborhi added, giving a suspicious smile and I got worried. Knowing Naborhi's track record, I may have been the one having to stop her from committing a federal crime.

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