50: The Heartache

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"You finally pick up." Naborhi said the moment I picked up her call. "I thought we were best friends, Ti. Have I become so unimportant to you?"

I rolled my eyes at shook my head at my friend's dramatics. She was such a drama queen.

"I've been super busy, Ana. I was going to call you during the weekend." I told her, putting the call on speaker before proceeding to tear off the ruined painting in front of me. I rolled it violently and dumped it in the nearest waste bin.

"Oh right. You're a famous artist now. I'm so proud of you, Tiara." I heard Naborhi fake cry at the other end of the call and I laughed. She was indeed very dramatic.

"I'm not famous just yet but this is a good first step in getting my work out there. I just wish I could come up with something brilliant." I groaned in annoyance as I stared at the blank canvas before me.

Naborhi's friend, Bolarin had called me a couple of days ago informing me of an art and craft show her friend was hosting. It was an international meet and artists from all over the world to showcase their artworks. Apparently, it was a big deal but I hadn't gotten all the details. However, Bolarin had wanted to submit my name as an entry and had called to confirm if I was interested in the opportunity. I was hesitant at first but Naborhi had convinced me that it was a good opportunity. She had attend one that was hosted in New York three years ago and a lot of big names in the art world had been present. This was a shot to show my talent and I was freaking the hell out.

"Didn't you say you had a great idea a couple of days ago?"

"I've had three much better ideas since then but they're all shit!" I sighed in annoyance. I just wasn't getting inspired and when I did, it wasn't good enough for me. "I'm about to have a mental breakdown, Ana. Pray for me."

"Don't force it, block head. The perfect idea will hit you in the head when you least expect it." Naborhi advised and I hissed, picking up my phone from my work table where I'd kept it.

"I've got just two weeks until the showcase. I don't have the time to wait." I walked over to my bed and crashed down.

"What you need is a fun night out and thankfully, today's Tosin's surprise birthday party. You didn't forget, right?" She reminded and I gave a heavy sigh. "You're still bothered about Derrek and Candice? I get that Derrek is Alex's best friend but did he have to invite them?" She scoffed and I frowned.

"I don't care if they're present, Ana. Today's about Tosin and I'm going to be there for her no matter what." I assured her although I wasn't assured myself. I had tried not to think about Derrek for the past couple of days but I had failed miserably at that. Painting was the only thing that took my mind off the heartbreak I felt and that wasn't working out lately.

"Tosin won't be mad if you don't show up, Ti. You only just found out—"

"It's no big surprise that Derrek's getting married to Candice in three months. That's the whole point of getting engaged. You get married." I tried to sound unaffected but I was dying on the inside.

Three days ago, Tosin had called me to tell me that Derrek and Candice had finalized a wedding date for their wedding and although I shouldn't have been surprised, I was, especially after the moment Derrek and I had a few days prior. I had held onto the hope that maybe he had felt something for me but obviously I was wrong. He was going to marry Candice and there was nothing I could do about it.

The news was a wake up call for me. I couldn't keep on holding onto a relationship that never happened and I needed to move on from Derrek finally. I was so pathetic. I knew our relationship was fake from the beginning but I had still let myself fall for him. I had gotten myself into this situation with both eyes open. I hated that I was so soft hearted. I hated that I had assumed there was something real between Derrek and I when there was nothing. All the times we'd hung out together over the past few months, Derrek had been thinking about someone else while I thought of him. Every lingering look I had read into meant nothing to him. Every time he gotten in close contact with me, I must have been the only one who felt butterflies and that night he had almost kissed me—

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