{Chapter 1- Happy birthday}

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Let's catch up, because It's been a long summer...

Sara hadn't seen or heard from Draco all summer. At this point she want even upset anymore. She was just angry. He could've come to visit her, seeing the love of her life would make her feel so much better about her self...

She spent 3 months in that house alone, Snape never came home, he used to come home at least one day each month to check in on Sara but I guess since she's old enough to be alone for long periods of time... he stopped caring, and it made Sara feel so alone, she would hang out with Liz and Pansy sometimes but it wasn't the same. She wasn't the same anymore. She didn't have a good summer, not in contact with Draco or anything. She was all alone...


Sara's birthday...

Sara sat at the café. It was her birthday today and she didn't really have any plans, she didn't want to do anything if she couldn't spend it with Draco.
She wanted to spend her birthday alone but her father sent her a note insisting he would be at the house and they would have cake and spend time together.

Sara was at the café drinking some tea before she went back to the house to hang out with her father. She tried to call Draco but he didn't respond. She texted him and everything and still nothing.

On the way home she stopped at the bakery. She got 2 cupcakes because she was to lazy to go to the bank and get 40 pounds for just some cake. She smiled and walked to the house. When she walked in her dad wasn't there, but she didn't expect any less. He was always late. Liz came by.

"Hey Sar!",Liz said.

"Hey Liz.", Sara said as she grabbed a lighter and a candle.

"Your dad here yet?", Liz asked.

"No.. not yet.",Sara said. Pansy walked in the house.

"Oo cupcake!",Pansy said reaching for the cupcake and Sara slapped her hand.

"That's for my dad.",Sara said and put the candle in one of the cupcakes.

"Whatever.",Pansy chuckled and walked over to Liz.

"Hey gorgeous...",Pansy said pulling Liz's face to her and kissed Liz.

"Hey babe.",Liz smiled. Liz looked at Sara as Sara played with the lighter.

Sara had been super distracted since Draco hadn't talked to her in a while.

"Sar, I bet he's really trying...", Liz said. Sara looked at Liz and dropped the lighter on the counter.

"Yea I mean, Draco's madly in love with you!",Pansy said. Sara's put her hand on her head and sighed.

"He would never just ditch you or anything. At least not on purpose. He probably misses you so much and—"

Sara started breaking down. She fell down to the floor and balled up. She cried.

"Shit Sar, I'm sorry!",Liz said and stood up. She ran over to Sara and hugged her.

"If he missed me he would just come see me!! But he probably just forgot about me because I'm not that important!!",Sara said.

"No Sara your super important! Especially today because it's your birthday!!",Pansy said.

"Who gives a shit about my birthday!? My boyfriend isn't even here for it! I miss him so much but he just forgot about me..",Sara cried.

"He did not forget about you Sar...", Liz said and lifted Sara off the floor. Pansy patted Sara on the shoulder.

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