{33 - Beaou ou belle}

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After Draco and Sara sat at the restaurant, Sara taking a sip of her ice tea as Draco told the waiter their orders. His French so perfect, practically rolling off his tongue the way he spoke it made Sara feel some type of way...

"On aura deux crêpes. Nutella pour moi et la dame.," Draco ordered.

(Translation: "We'll have two crepes. Nutella for me and the lady.")

The waiter nodded and walked away. Sara looked around and realized how they were the only ones there. The waiters inside making there food and certainly not paying attention to them.

"So why Paris..?," Sara questioned.

"It's not that far from London, I figured if I took you to far, you would probably get pissed off.," Draco took a sip of his water.

"...accurate.," Sara shrugged her shoulders.

"I know you to well.," Draco smiled and grabbed Sara's hand.

"Yes you do.," Sara giggled as Draco kissed her hand.

"...you look beautiful, Mon coeur.," Draco complemented Sara.

"Thank you. You look handsome.," Sara smiled.

"Yea I know.," Draco sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Sara rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding! Thank you.," Draco chuckled.

The waiter came over with the crepes and set them down on the table.

"Deux crêpes Nutella. Bon appetite!," The waiter said.

(Translation: Two Nutella crepes. Enjoy!)

"Merci.," Draco thanked him.


As Sara was finishing her crepe she looked over at Draco as he played with his half eaten crepe.

"Babe.," Sara said and it caught Draco's attention, him looking up at her. "Why aren't you eating?," Sara questioned.

"...I'm kind of hungry for something else.," Draco sighed and stood up. He walked over to Sara and grabbed her chin, lifting it up. Sara gazed into his grey eyes as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip and he bent down to her.

He gave her a kiss, intense and hungry, biting her bottom lip as he felt a craving for her. Draco pulled away from her and looked up and down, her eyes following his. Draco heard a noise from behind him and looked up. The waiter.

"...vérifiez s'il vois plaît?," Draco smiled.

(Translation:"Check please?")

The waiter nodded and passed Draco the check. Draco grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and paid for it in cash. "Garde le monnaie.," Draco said.

(Translation: "Keep the change.")

"I thought you were using your fathers card.," Sara said and stood up and Draco took off his jacket.

"My money is his money, Mon coeur. It's a win win," Draco smirked and put the jacket on Sara so she wouldn't get cold.

He put his hand on her cheek, pulling her into a deeper kiss. Sara put her hands on his chest, running them down as his hands went down to her waist.

"Let's go.," Draco said and grabbed Sara's hand, quickly pulling her out of the restaurant and towards the building he was talking about earlier.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now