{4 - Quidditch World Cup}

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(I didn't proofread this so yea. If you see a mistake, they are 'Happy Accidents'- Bob Ross. 😊)

TW: blood and other shit.

This was the plan, Draco and Lucius were going but Sara was going to come along. It wasn't Lucius choice it was Draco's and Draco just told Lucius to suck it up. They got to the Quidditch World Cup. Sara was kind of nervous to be there with Lucius but Draco wanted Sara to feel okay with his dad and Draco wanted Lucius to be okay with her. Draco and Sara were matching outfits..



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(Also like imagine her wearing them glasses like:

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(Also like imagine her wearing them glasses like:

Draco and Sara were walking up the stands whenever Draco put his arm around Sara's a waist and pulled him to her

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Draco and Sara were walking up the stands whenever Draco put his arm around Sara's a waist and pulled him to her.

"Do you have any idea how hot you look right now?",Draco ran his hands down her back.

"Draco...! Your dad is right there..",Sara pointed.

"Who gives a shit?",Draco said and kissed her neck gently.

"Draco stop being so intimate in public and let's go...",Lucius said as he put the head of his cane on Draco's shoulder. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Yes father.",He nodded.
Lucius walked away and Draco looked at Sara and kissed her all over her face.

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