{21 - Prejudice}

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Draco was walking to Sara's dorm and tried to open the door, pushing it but it didn't open.

"Sara. It's your brilliant, amazing, incredible, intelligent, boyfriend.," Draco over exaggerated. "Why the hell is your door locked?," Draco asked.

"Gimme a minute!!," Sara yelled.

Draco rolled his eyes and pulled his wand out of his pocket.

"Alohomora.," Draco casted and opened the door when he heard a thump from the door.

"Son of a bitch!," Sara yelled and covered the top of her head. Draco looked at her on the ground.

"Shit- I'm sorry!!- why the hell are you on the ground...?," Draco asked and lifted her up.

"I'm looking for Prejudice... I can't find her. I'm used for her to go missing for like thirty-two hours but she's been gone for two days!," Sara sighed and rubbed her head.

"Aw it's okay, we'll find her. Come here.," Draco said and kissed the top of her head.

"Did you see her at your dorm? She likes to go there sometimes..," Sara asked.

"Nope. But I did get you...," Draco reached into his bag. "A chocolate frog.," he smiled.

"Thanks love..," Sara smiled and started walking over to her nightstand until Draco grabbed her arm.

"Hey, your forgetting something.," Draco sighed.

Sara chuckled and turned around to him, he put his hands on her waist and Sara looked at him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and tried to walk away but Draco wouldn't let go.

"Excuse me? Do you just not want to kiss me today or something?," Draco asked. "I want you to kiss me."

"I just did.," Sara said with a smile.

"Sara. Kiss. Now.," Draco demanded.

"Make me.," Sara said. Draco picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Such a bad girl... you defy me? What am suppose to do about that?," Draco questioned and pushed her up against the wall, his hands on her ass.

"Live with it..," Sara smiled.

Draco chuckled and leaned into a kiss, their lips met. A slow kiss. He tried to slip his tongue in but Sara wouldn't let him.

"Oh wow so this is how it's going to be? Your not going to give me what I want?," Draco asked with a growl. Sara giggled.

Draco kissed her again, he squeezed her ass making her moan into the kiss and slipped his tongue in. He smiled and continued to kiss her as it started to get hungrier and hungrier.

"Draco...," Sara said and stopped the kiss.

"Yes?," Draco scoffed.

"I have to look for Prejudice!," Sara exclaimed.

"She can wait..," Draco shrugged his shoulders and carried Sara over to the bed.

"No, she can't.," Sara sighed.

"Yes she can.," Draco said as he laid her on the bed and crawled on top of her.

"What if she hasn't eaten yet?," Sara asked.

"Maybe she'll find a nice mouse that'll cooperate.," Draco smiled.

"Draco! I'm really worried about her, she's never been gone for this long...," Sara frowned.

"She can't be far! She'd never go off the castle grounds...," Draco said and pushed some hair out of her face.

"What if she's hurt?," Sara asked. Draco looked at her and shrugged.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now