{11 - Luis}

542 11 4

(Still not proofread I'm lazy.)

Sara and Draco walked out of the common room in their uniforms. Luis was waiting for Sara by the stairs. Sara and Draco walked over to him.

"Hey, Luis?", Sara said. Luis looked up at her and stood up.

"Hi! Uhm... Yea. Luis Perez.", Luis said and put his hand out. Sara could here Draco's growling and she smacked his chest.

"Sara, Sara Snape.", Sara smiled and shook his hand.

"No. No.", Draco shook his head and pulled Sara's hand away from Luis's.

"Stop it.", Sara growled.

"Fuck no.", Draco growled back.

"Oh, your Snape's daughter?", Luis asked.

"Considering my last name is Snape? Yea.", Sara nodded.

"Are you coming with us Love?", Sara asked Draco.

"McGonagall needs me this morning, I think I did something wrong?", Draco questioned.

"Okay well... I'll see you in potions?", Sara asked.

"Yea, Of course.", Draco grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into a kiss.

"I love you.", Draco smiled and pecked her lips.

"I love you too.", Sara smiled.

Draco leaned over to her ear—

"Don't let him touch what's mine.", Draco whispered in her ear and put his hand down to her lower back. He looked up and down at her.

Draco smiled and bit his lip. "See you in potions darling."

He walked down the stairs.

"I literally hate giving people tours around the castle because I don't work here but my father volunteers me to get on my nerves.", Sara sighed.

"You don't have to- I can figure the castle out by myself.", Luis said.

"Eh it's fine. Anything to miss a bit of potions.", Sara smiled.

"Also your tie is tied wrong.", Sara said.

"Shit, sorry. At my old Academy we didn't have ties just sweater vest with khaki's.", Luis sighed.

"It's fine. Do you mind if I fix it?", Sara asked.

"Nono, I don't mind at all.", Luis shrugged.

She untied his tie and started to tie it.

"Soo...that dude. Who is he?", Luis asked.

"That's Draco Malfoy, he's my boyfriend.", Sara chuckled.

"How long have you guys been together?", Luis asked.

"9 months.", Sara said. She finished tying his tie.

"Thanks.", Luis smiled.

"Follow me! We'll start in the dining hall since that's where everybody spends most of their time anyway.", Sara shrugged and walked downstairs as Luis followed.


The tour was coming to an end and Sara was tired of walking and Luis was just impressed by the whole castle.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum