{45 - Jealous}

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It's been a week since Adrian's been expelled, Tracey got suspended for being an accomplice. Sara finally felt like she could breath without being bullied by Tracey or taunted by Adrian. Draco was asleep in his dorm, when he heard the door open and he felt somebody jump on his.

"What the-"

"Wake up!! There's a party in the Ravenclaw common room tonight, I wanna go!," Sara jumped.

"Why are you so awake right now?," Draco yawned.

"Draco, it's fucking twelve in the afternoon. Wake your ass up.," Sara scoffed.

"Well I'm awake now..," Draco said and sat up.

Sara sat on his lap and smiled. "Can we go?"

"Well how could I say no to this pretty face.," Draco pouted as he cupped her face and kissed her lips.

"You can't.," Sara smiled. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes of course.," Draco chuckled. "Are you going to get drunk tonight?"

"No, you won't have sex with me if I get drunk.," Sara sighed.

"Oh so sex tonight?," Draco smirked.

"Draco we have sex almost every night. But this time is different.," Sara smiled. She grabbed his chin and leaned into him. "Your gonna be my submissive tonight...," Sara whispered to him.

Draco became breathless, the thoughts running through his head already. She looked up and down at him and ran her hand down his chest as she smiled and kissed his lips.

"It starts in a few hours! Cmon!," Sara smiled and stood up.

"Well- who's all gonna be there?," Draco questioned.

"I don't know..? Everybody? I just heard that there drinks and coke.," Sara shrugged.

"Coke? As in-"

"Drugs. The ravenclaws bring drugs to their parties. The stuff you smoke the stuff you snort.. etcetera.," Sara said.

"Wow... alright. Are you going to do any of it?," Draco questioned and stood up.

"Are you..?," Sara questioned.

Draco didn't answer he just stammered awkwardly.

"...we'll just talk about it later.,"Sara said.


"Mon cœur, let's go! I'm ready!," Draco shouted.

Draco's outfit:

Draco's outfit:

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"Coming.!," Sara finished brushing her hair and walked out of the bathroom.

Sara's outfit:

Sara's outfit:

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