{53 - Movies}

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Sara was sitting in her room on her beanbag, a big bowl of Nutella in her hand and a spoon as she watched tv, tears running down her face as she shoved a spoonful of Nutella in her mouth.

"Darling..! Your amazing boyfriend is here.," Draco smiled as he walked in the door and walked over to her.

"Hey- what are you watching?," Draco asked.

"Meet The Robinsons.," Sara told him and sniffled.

"..why are you crying? Isn't it a kids movie?," Draco asked.

"Because they were asking Lewis to be apart of their family but when Wilbur threw his hat off purposely, he exposed him and it showed that Lewis was from the past and now they're trying to send him away again..," Sara cried.

Draco chuckled as he crouched down and cupped her face."your fucking adorable.," Draco kissed her nose.

"It's not fair to Lewis. He deserves better.," Sara whimpered a she ate more of her Nutella.

Draco took the spoon from her and scooped a bit of the Nutella out and ate it. He gave it back to her and grabbed the tv remote and turned off the tv.

"Wh- why would you do that, now I'll never know if he gets adopted or not.," Sara mumbled as she ate another spoonful of Nutella.

"I think you are way to emotional right now..," Draco chuckled and picked her up.

"I can't help it! I just got off my period but the my hormone levels haven't gone down yet.," Sara buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Aw my poor baby.," Draco laughed.

"Shut up.," Sara scoffed.

"There is a party in the hufflepuff's common room, wanna go?," Draco asked as he threw her on the bed and crawled on top of her, putting a kiss on her lips as he laid next to her and cuddled her. "It's an end of the year party."

"..Yea sure.," Sara sighed.

"What are you gonna wear?," Sara asked.

"Why? You wanna match?," Draco questioned with a smile.

"Yes, I would like that very much.," Sara nodded.

"I love when we match.," Draco smiled and snuggled her.

"... does Lewis get adopted?," Sara asked.

"Yes, he does darling.," Draco chuckled.


Their outfits:

Their outfits:

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Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now