{41 - Swim}

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A/N: Aquaphobia (fear of drowning.)

Draco and Sara were sitting on the docks of Merpeople deep. The champions had already dived into the water and Sara, Draco, Luis, Liz and Pansy were sitting together.

"God I hate this place..," Sara shuttered.

"Why? Look at how... gloomy it is.," Draco sighed.

"I don't mean the weather I mean the lake... it's dangerous as hell..," Sara looked down at the water.

"It can't be that dangerous.," Draco scoffed.

"There's fucking merpeople in it, and it's deep as shit! It's dangerous.," Sara stated.

"You don't know that.," Draco said.

"It's called Merpeople deep!"

"Sara's right. This place is super dangerous. I heard that the Merpeople all the way down into the deep depths of the ocean until they drown.," Luis said.

Sara looked at him, a frightened look on her face. She looked over the edge and sighed. "I hate this place even more now!"

"Why are you freaking out?," Draco questioned.

"The edge.," Sara pointed to the edge. "Me.," Sara pointed to herself.

"Do you want to trade spots?," Draco questioned.

"So you can fall in? No!," Sara said.

"Aw you care about me..?," Draco smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"Of course I do.. I care a lot.," Sara looked at him and smiled.

Draco pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "I love you.," Draco kissed her lips.

"I love you too.," Sara smiled.

"You guys are so fucking cute!!," Liz squealed.

Sara and Draco rolled their eyes.

"They give me IT couple vibes.," Luis nodded.

"I agree.," Pansy laughed.

"IT couple?," Draco questioned.

"A couple that's super cool and generally hot.," Sara chuckled.

"Sounds like us..," Draco smirked and wrapped his arm around Sara.

Sara looked around at all the people on the dock. "It's so risky to be this close to the water... why would they make us sit here?," Sara sighed.

"Your thinking about it to much darling..," Draco kissed her cheek. He grabbed her jaw and pulled her face towards him. "Just relax..," he whispered to her.

"I- am, I'm relaxed.," Sara took a deep breath.

"Sup slut.," Tracey wrapped her arm around Sara's neck and shook her slightly.

"Keep touching me and you know what'll be around your neck? My hands.," Sara said and pushed Tracey.

"Here we go again.," Draco muttered.

"Your lucky I don't throw you in the water bitch.," Tracey growled.

"Oh like you have muscles to do that.," Sara rolled her eyes.

"Yea, but he does.," Tracey pointed to a different direction.

Draco and Sara looked over.

"Hello honey.," Adrian smiled.

"It's been a while last time I saw you... I had a bloody nose.," Adrian glared at Draco.

Draco wrapped his arms around Sara's waist and pulled her closer. "What the fuck do you want Adrian?," Draco questioned.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now