{13 - Focus}

546 13 6

TW: panic attack

(Not edited.)

Sara was laying in bed, asleep. She was having another one of her nightmares. She held onto the blankets tightly as the nightmare started to scare her.

It was dark... she could feel the wind blowing and heard water dripping down. She took a step to forward, it felt like she was going to fall through the dark abyss but instead her feet hit a surface and she was water rippling with each footstep.
She felt water drip down on her head as it started to rain, she looked up and saw dark clouds brewing as they parted the sky and the dark mark appeared. It reminded her of the night of the incident at the quidditch cup.

"...Draco.", Sara called for, she was starting to freak out.

She started backing away when she felt her foot slip off the edge. She tried to reach up to try to reach for something to grab but she was just falling. She started to see a bright light.

Awaken. Sara jumped up, she sat up and bumped into the headboard, her breathing heavily and scared. She couldn't breathe, it felt like something was pushing her down preventing her from moving, but could feel her heart beating out her chest. She clawed at her throat trying to breathe.
Draco heard her whimpers and woke up instantly.

"What happened!? Burglar!? Did you see a rat!?..." Draco yelled before looking at Sara.

"Babe?",He sat up and looked at Sara, he quickly crawled over to her.

"Hey hey!", Draco looked at Sara. The whole room was spinning, tears escaped and ran down her cheeks. She's been having this dream for three days but she just hadn't told Draco about it. This never happened to her.

Draco grabbed her hand from her throat because she was leaving marks on her skin.

"Just listen to my voice darling...", Draco said.
Sara looked down at the bed still trying to catch her breath. He looked at her and put his hand on her cheek. Draco thought hard about what would calm.

Draco stood up and ran over to her drawer and rummaged through it, he found the music box that was in Sara's room back in the muggle world. He walked back over to her and opened the music box and turned the crank. He heard a voice. A woman's voice and a little girl.

"Okay, ready bumblebee?"

"Yea! It's recording..."

"Are you sure this is what you want on your music box?"

"100% mum."


A piano started playing... (this sound.)

Sara's tears stopped streaming down. She played with the cuffs of her sweater trying to calm down.

"Just breathe.", Draco said.

"I'll do it with you! Okay?", Draco said. Sara nodded. Draco took a inhaled, and exhaled calmly. He did that a few times and Sara started to do it too.

"focus on something. Anything.",Draco said.

". ..You can do it. I'm right here with you... you focus on me? Right? Will you do that for me?", Draco asked and grabbed her hand. He slowly put her hand on his cheek. Sara rubbed her fingertips against his skin.

She raised her other hand and put it on his cheek and looked into Draco's gray/blue eyes. Her breathing steady. She focus on his eyes, how the sunlight hit them and they glistened. She was okay now...

"What happened babe?", Draco asked and pushed a strand of hair out of her face.

Sara looked at the music box as it started to stop. Her hands lowered from Draco's face and she pulled them back to herself, holding them up against her chest as they intertwined.

"...was it your mum?", Draco asked.

Sara grabbed the music box and turned the crank again.

"Okay, ready bumblebee?"

She stopped it.

"...yes.", Sara nodded as a tear ran down her cheek.

"...did you have a bad dream?", Draco asked.
Sara nodded.

"Is that what triggered the panic attack?", Draco asked.

Sara didn't answer she just listened to the music box play.

"Babe, I can't help if you don't tell me..", Draco sighed.

"It was just a bad dream... but I don't want to talk about it.", Sara muttered.

"Sara..",Draco said.

"Draco please... I don't want to talk about it.", Sara said softly.

"Have they been going on for a while?", Draco asked.

"...three nights in a row...", Sara sighed.

"Why am I just hearing about this now!?", Draco asked.

"Because of this..! I didn't want to worry you and now that you know your worried."

"I'm suppose to be worried that's one of my fucking jobs as your boyfriend!", Draco practically yelled.

Sara looked at Draco and than back at the box, she put the music box on the nightstand. She laid back down under the covers.

"... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell...", Draco apologized.

Draco crawled next to her and laid down, wrapping his arms around her waist. She turned around to him and gazed into his eyes, she kissed his lips.

"If it happens again... I'll tell you.", Sara said.

"I want you to tell me now.", Draco said softly but demandingly.

"you trust me?", Sara asked.

"Of course I trust you, you know I do."

"Then trust me with this... it's probably nothing that matters so just don't worry about. Please?", Sara asked of him.

"...if it happens again you have to tell me.", Draco sighed.

"Okay.", Sara nodded. Draco cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss.

He cuddled her knowing it was to early and I the morning to not be asleep, he ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead trying to get her to fall asleep again. He held onto her tightly and laid his head on hers as she fell asleep with her head on his chest. Draco laid there with his thoughts... why?

'Why won't she just tell me?'

'Is it because she doesn't want me to worry or does she think I'll do something wrong...'

'Why did she hide the music box in her drawer?'

'Maybe it brought back old memories...'

'Why is she keeping secrets?'

All those thoughts ran through Draco's head. He loved Sara but why was she keeping secrets? Maybe she thought he couldn't handle the truth...

or maybe it was for his own good.


Pfft you guys will figure it out sooner or later because I've left like 20 clues already.

Kk. Love you, bye! Xx.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat