{35 - Liar}

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Draco kissing another girl.

Specifically... Tracey Davis.

He was holding onto her face, keeping her close.

"...Sara.," Liz sighed.

Sara had tears in her eyes and just stood their speechless. Draco pulled away from Tracey and looked at the doors, seeing Sara. Draco quickly let go of Tracey.

"Sara- I-," Draco stammered as Tracey giggled and walked away. Draco started walking towards Sara but she just backed away. "It's not what you think..- I- I swear!"

Tears started rolling down Sara cheeks.

"...Nono...," Draco said under his breath and frowned, whenever Sara cries it breaks him.

"Babe..," Draco reached his arms out for her but she quickly walked away from him. "No- wait!," Draco ran after her.


"Sara... wait!," Draco said, still chasing after her.

Sara ran into her dorm and closed the door, slamming it shut. Draco tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Sara please let me in..! Let me explain!," Draco sighed.

"Go away!," Sara cried.

"Sara, it's not what you think!," Draco said, Sara didn't respond he just heard shuffling.


"Sara I would never hurt you like that..," Draco said.

"...but you did..."

"But it's not what you think..," Draco sighed and sat in front of the door.

Sara was in her dorm, laying on her stomach in her bed, sobbing in her pillow. She took out her hair and her heels were scattered on the floor. She didn't even feel like talking to Draco right now, seeing the person she loves most kiss the person she hates... it hurt her to see it, her heart falling to pieces, just trying to process what she had just witnessed.

"...nothing you say can change anything, even if you have a good explanation... you kissed her back, I saw it.," Sara whimpered.

Draco put his hands on his head, tears brimming his eyes."Sara, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry! Please...," Draco said, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence.

"...just go away.," Sara muttered.


"Draco, go away!," Sara yelled.

Tears rolled down Draco's cheeks. "...okay. I- I'll see you tomorrow.," Draco muttered and stood up. Sara didn't respond, all he saw was Sara's lights go out through the bottom of the door.


Draco walked to his dorm as he sat down on the bed. He untied his bow tie and sighed, putting his hands over his face as he cried.

"God, I'm such an idiot!," Draco sighed.

"I fucked up, I fucked up so bad... I may have just lost the love of my life," Draco cried.

Sara laid in her bed, in her pajamas. Her face without makeup and her hair washed. Sara cuddled her pillow, playing with her wand as a glowing light shines from the end of it, lumos.

Prejudice jumped on Sara's bed and rubbed up against her. Sara looked at Prejudice and turned on her lamp.

"Prej... I'm so stupid!," Sara cried as she pet Prejudice.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now