{36 - Sorry}

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After classes in the field...

Sara, Liz and Pansy we're sitting on a picnic blanket outside in the grass.

"And then he lied! Straight to my face..!," Sara scoffed.

"Unbelievable. What a bitch.," Liz rolled her eyes.

"We should beat his ass than break his broom.," Pansy smiled devilishly.

"Baby chill.," Liz kissed Pansy's cheek making Pansy smile. "But we should do that.," Liz smirked.

"I just don't know what to do... I'm so pissed off at him but I still love him.," Sara sighed.

"I'm sorry Sara.. what a dickhead.," Liz scoffed.

"The dickhead is walking over here right now..," Pansy rolled her eyes.

Liz looked over and growled. Sara didn't even want to look at him, Draco walked over.

"Can I talk to Sara?," Draco questioned.

"Go ahead, we're listening.," Liz crossed her arms.

"...alone?," Draco said.

Liz rolled her eyes and her and Pansy stood up. Pansy scoffed and walked past Draco Liz walked up to Draco. "Careful. I am this close to killing you.," Liz growled and walked away.

Draco sat down next to Sara and looked at her. "Sara."

Sara didn't answer, not even taking a glance at him.

"Please look at me.," Draco sighed, but she didn't. "Darling I swear to you... it was a mistake."

Draco leaned his head over to look at her face. "You have to believe me.,"he pushed a piece of hair out of her face.

She just looked down at her lap, playing with the sleeves of her shirt.

"What do I have to do to make you believe me?," Draco questioned.

"...Draco, I can't just forgive and forget... you kissed another girl. If had kissed another guy how would you feel?," Sara questioned and looked at Draco. "If I kissed the guy you hate the most..?"

"If I kissed... Harry?," Sara questioned. Draco didn't respond, his brows furrowed slightly at the thought though.

"If my lips were on him, his hands on my holding me close as I wrap my arms around him-"

"Enough.," Draco growled.

"Exactly, you would hate it wouldn't you?," Sara questioned and stood up. "And I want to forgive you but I'm so fucking mad at you and I really want to smack the fuck out of you right now but at the same time I don't because I don't want to hurt you so I'm gonna walk away now!," Sara groaned and stomped away.

"Sara- Mon cœur, wait!,"Draco got up and followed her.

Sara was walking quickly and Draco was trying to catch up. "If you want to smack me, smack me! I deserve it!," Draco sighed.

Sara turned to him and smacked him as hard as she could without hesitation.

"Ow! Fuck!," Draco put his hand over his cheek.

"I'm sorry! You told me too! Fuck!," Sara said and walked away.

"Sara- It's fine, your right I said you could! Wait!," Draco ran after her.


"Mon cœur. Please slow down.," Draco sighed as they walked through the hallway.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now