{20 - Adrian}

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sad Draco ☹️

5:00 a.m...

"Babe...," Draco shook Sara lightly trying to wake her up, him standing over her.

"...I'm sleeping..," Sara hummed and dug her face into the pillow. Draco chuckled and kissed her head.

"I have to go to quidditch practice darling, I'll be back in an hour okay?," Draco whispered.

"Okay, I love you..," Sara mumbled and lifted up her head to look at him.

"I love you too.," Draco said and pushed her hair out of her face, leaving a kiss on her lips.

"Make- make sure you- you win or whatever for me...," Sara muttered, half asleep as she laid her head back down.

"Only for you baby.," Draco said and put the covers over her.

"You still haven't fixed my tie by the way and I need it for after practice!," Draco said.

Sara gave him a thumbs up and plopped her hand down on the pillow as she fell back asleep.

Draco walked down to the common room with all the quidditch players.

"Hey Malfoy.," Blaise said.

"Zambini.," Draco sighed and sat down on the couch.

"...Malfoy.," Adrian muttered. Draco looked at Adrian.

"Hey Pucey. Nice black eye, I wonder what happened.," Draco acted clueless with a smile on his face.

"Asshole...," Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Bitch.," Draco chuckled.

"Hey, I wonder what Sara's doing right now...," Adrian smiled as he looked at Draco.

"...excuse me?," Draco questioned. Blaise looked at them both and quickly stood up and walked away.

"Practice in 20 minutes boys...," Blaise reminded them.

"Sara. What's she up to right now? She's usually sitting on your lap like your little puppy...," Adrian said.

"She's definitely mine, you've got one thing right. It's five in the fucking morning, I'm not going to ask her to come to my practice for her to fucking freeze.," Draco rolled his eyes.

"I could keep her warm.," Adrian said. Draco growled and was about to say something before Adrian interrupted.

"What does she even see in you..? Sure your rich, but is that all? Daddy issues, anger issues, violent, I mean- you literally buy people's affection! What have you bought her? She's been with you for how long? 9 or 10 months now? A car maybe since she's been with you for almost a fucking year.
I mean look at you, your a wreck. Your girlfriend doesn't even want to show up to your quidditch practice because she doesn't want to cheer you on. Face it Malfoy, your a disappointment, a fuck up, and guess what. Nobody likes a fuck up."

Draco didn't know what to say... all the things that Adrian had just said flowing through his head. Is that what people think of him?

"Go fuck yourself...," Draco growled and stood up. An upset look on his face.

"I'd rather fuck your girlfriend.," Adrian sneered.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now