{51 - Candles}

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Everybody in Hogwarts was pretty bummed out, especially Harry. It was so quiet now... nobody wanted to talk about it, they just wanted school to be over, which is why it was the perfect time. It was about to end. Which is another reason why people were bummed out. What's gonna happen next year?

The death of Cedric Diggory would ruin Hogwarts reputation, that is — if they don't try to cover it.

After that night, after everything that happened nobody could really pretend to be okay. Cedric was everybody's friend.. even Draco sorta liked him. Cho Chang, she was barely even seen in class anymore. Hogwarts became dim, a depressing place. The light only shining in few halls.

Draco and Sara were watching a movie. They haven't had sex in a week or two, everybody kept bringing up Cedric's death and that's not much of a turn on, unless your into necrophilia, ew. They were watching the Titanic, Draco cuddling Sara, his arm wrapped around her waist, playing with the fabric of her silk pajamas. The other one playing with her hair.

"Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.. wearing this.," Rose said on the tv.


"...wearing only this.," Rose said.

"Look away.," Sara said and put her hand over Draco's face.

Draco laughed."why?"

"Because it's about to show her boobies!!," Sara squealed and jumped on top of him.

"I wanna see!," Draco chuckled and tried to look at the tv but Sara laid on top of his head.

"No!," Sara said.

Draco laughed and wrapped his arms around.

"...god her boobs are so pasty.," Sara sighed.

"Let me see!!," Draco said.

"Here.," Sara laid her chest on top of Draco's head."boobies."

"Wow thanks. I love them.," Draco chuckled.

"Your welcome.," Sara said as she continued to watch tv.

Her still laying on top of him so he couldn't see Rose's boobs.

"...okay it's over.," Sara said and he to lift herself before Draco flipped them over.

He looked at her and chuckled. "Why won't you let me look at Rose's boobs? Huh?"

"Well you don't need to look at her boobs when you can just look at mine.," Sara said.

"Oh really...," Draco smirked.

"Well it's gonna cost you though.," Sara shrugged her shoulders.

"What's your price?," Draco smiled as his tongue rolled into his cheek.

"...Let's play a game.," Sara said.

"What game?," Draco asked.

Sara smiled and bit her lip.


Draco and Sara were sitting on the ground, lights out and candles lit. Sara sat in between Draco's legs.

"Rules are simple, tell the truth.. or strip.," Sara said. "It's in the name. Truth or strip."

"Okay.. fine I'll go first.," Draco sighed and grabbed a card.

"Sara, have you ever sucked anyone's dick besides mine in your life..?," Draco asked.

Sara looked at him and smacked his chest. "That's not what it says!," Sara tried to take the card but he threw it to the side.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now