{23 - Run}

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TW: Sexual assault and rape.

Incase this has ever happened to you (or somebody you know.)

National Sexual Assault Hotline:



If you need somebody to talk to my messages are always open.

"Now see... up here... nobody will here you scream."

"Get the fuck off of me!"

(2 hours earlier...)

"Wake up.," Draco whispered in Sara's ear as she laid on her stomach.

"...Nap time is suppose to be an hour long... and I've only been asleep for thirty minutes so no. I'm not waking up.," Sara said and put a pillow over her head.

"Correction, you've been asleep for a hours so wake up!," Draco crawled on top of her.

"...I feel like sleeping today. Let me sleep.," Sara muttered.

Draco sighed and straddled her, he put his hand on her back and dragged it down her body. He grabbed the strap of her sports bra and pulled it up and let go as it snapped back onto her skin.

"...ow.," Sara mumbled.

"Wake up."

Draco pulled the blanket off of her.


"Sara..!," Draco groaned.

"Leave me alone."

"Wake up!," Draco whined and slapped her ass hard.

"Fine! I need to go feed Prejudice anyways..," Sara sighed and got up.

"Wowww I didn't wake you up so you could leave! I woke you up because I was bored, you can go back sleep if you want..," Draco sighed and opened his arms up so she would come back.

"Nope, I'm awake now. Thanks.," Sara smiled and put on her skirt.

"Why didn't you just bring Prejudice here?," Draco asked.

"And make her witness the events that happened last night? No thanks.," Sara chuckled as she put on her crop top and jacket.

"... I could've locked her in the bathroom.," Draco shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you- no! Why would I let you lock my cat in the bathroom?," Sara asked.

"Well you obviously didn't want her out here!," Draco shrugged.


Sara walked out of Draco's dorm and started walking to hers when she heard a door close behind her. She looked behind her but didn't see anything and continued to walk to her dorm.

The whole time she walked she felt eyes on her... someone following her. Breathing that sounded so far away but felt like it was right on her neck. Sara quickly got to her dorm and closed the door. Prejudice was lying on the bed.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now