{5 - Help}

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(I kind of went over the chapter but like... I lowkey got distracted because I was ordering Taco Bell soo... sorry if there are mistakes.)

Sara woke up and it was dark and brooding. A gust of dirt flew threw the wind and Sara was bleeding and it trickled down her side, the cut was on her stomach. It was deep. She saw Harry laying across from her but he was so far away.

She looked around as everybody was gone and heard noises, objects moving mixed with the slight ringing in her ear.

She heard somebody yell and saw a ball of light heading for the sky, putting a skull and snake in the sky. Harry started to wake up and she saw him but she couldn't move, everything hurt.

Harry groaned and sat up, he looked over at the mysterious figure and he saw Sara. The tall figure started walking over to him.

"Sara...!", Harry whispered and crawled over to her.

"Cmon... careful..", Harry said and put her arm over his shoulder and grabbed onto her waist. He took his hand off her waist but still held her up with his arm and looked at his hand for he saw blood. Her dressed was ripped and there was a cut on her stomach. Harry not knowing how it got there.

"Shit... Cmon..", Harry pulled her away and hid. He laid her down and took off his jacket.

"Here hold it here..", Harry said and put it on her cut. She coughed as she inhaled some smoke from the flames. Harry wiped the ashes off her cheek.

"Sara!?", Harry heard a yell and he also heard Hermione yelling his name.

Hermione ran over and saw Harry with Sara.

"What happened!?", Hermione asked.

"I don't know—"

"Sara..??", Harry looked over and saw Draco.

"Oh my... what the fuck happened?!",Draco asked and crouched down to her. She reached out for his hand. He grabbed her hand.

"I don't I just found her in the crowd and we stuck together but than we both fell and I... I kinda blacked out there. I'm guessing she did too though because she got hurt...",Harry said and pulled his jacket up as Draco saw a cut covered in blood on her stomach.
Draco's eyes widened. He put the jacket back down on her stomach.

"Sara..? Can you hear me..?",Draco asked. She nodded hesitantly.

"Oh thank god..",Draco picked her up.

"You should stay with us. There was a man I saw early... he put that in the sky.", Harry pointed in the sky and everybody looked up. Hermione, Ron, Harry and Draco.

"Alright, just hang in their princess...",Draco sighed and kissed her forehead.

"What even is that??", Harry asked as he looked up at the mark in the sky. Harry put his hand on his head and groaned.

A crowd of people came out of nowhere.

they yell stupefy and and everybody ducked down.

"What the fucking shit!! My girlfriend is already hurt, what are you trying to fucking do? Kill her!?", Draco yelled and held onto Sara tightly.

"Agh...",Sara moaned in pain as more blood started to drip down. "Shh... just stay still...don't move. I swear I'll get you to a doctor..",Draco kissed her forehead.

"Stop that's my son and his friends!", Arthur Weasley yelled and pushed through the circle of people.

"And Malfoy.",Harry said. Draco rolled his eyes.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now