{26 - Quiet}

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TW: mentions of rape. (It's just mentioning some stuff that happened in chapter 22.)

Draco took Sara back to his dorm before talking to make sure she was comfortable. She took a shower and put on one of Draco's hoodies with a pair of her sweatpants. Sara was laying on Draco's bed, hugging a pillow while prejudice cozied up next to her.
Draco was standing in the mirror changing his clothes and looked at Sara through the mirror, her face lacking emotion, barely any at all, but her eyes looked like they could tell a whole story. Her eyes still teary but she wasn't crying. She hadn't really spoken much since her and Draco left the room of requirements which worried him.

"...can I ask you a question..," Draco asked as he took off his hoodie. Sara looked at him and then straight forward.

"...sure.," Sara muttered.

"...why were you in the room of requirements?," Draco questioned. Sara didn't respond... not knowing how to tell Draco how or what happened.

Draco walked over to her and she looked at him and sat up. Draco sat next to her and lifted up her chin as he put his hand on her cheek. He looked into her eyes and sighed with a small frown.

"...did something happen?," Draco asked. Sara hesitantly nodded.

"...Just tell me what happened.," Draco pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and moved closer to her.

Sara grabbed the rim of the sleeves of her hoodie, trying not to think about what happened. Trying to stop the pain from festering throughout her body. She was angry but was hurting a lot on the inside, not knowing how to handle the situation.

She wanted to just tell Draco everything, everything that happened but what would happen if she did? Sara looked at Draco and the worried look on his face knowing all he wanted to do was care for her.

"...I was hiding.," Sara muttered.

"Hiding? From what..?," Draco asked.

"...who.," Sara corrected and looked down a tear rolled down her cheek. Draco started to feel a bit scared by what she would say next.

"...from who? What happened?," Draco questioned. Sara could feel the tears coming and quickly put her hands over her face so Draco couldn't see them.

"I'm sorry...," Sara sniffled and tried to wipe away her tears.

"Hey, no... don't be sorry...," Draco frowned. Sara took a deep breath and took her hands off her face.

"Sara what did they do...? Why were you hiding from somebody..?," Draco asked. "...did they hurt you?"

"...Yes.," Sara nodded.

"...who?," Draco asked. "How?"

"...Whenever I walked out of your dorm and I went to feed Prejudice I kept getting the feeling that somebody was..watching me but I thought I was just being paranoid, so after I fed Prejudice, I went to go get a smoothie and than I went for a walk on the 5th and 6th floor...," Sara looked down at her lap and Draco could see the tears brimming her eyes. Her voice starting to get shaky.

"...I felt like somebody was following me again, like I could them breathing on the back of my neck so I tried to grab my wand out of my pocket but... he grabbed me before I had the chance."

Draco's face dropped. "Sara who is 'he'."

"...Adrian.," Sara revealed to him as a tear ran down her cheek.

"...what happened after he grabbed you Sara?," Draco asked with a stern tone. Sara looked at him and saw the the protective but worried look in his eyes.

Sara looked back down at her lap and anxiously played with the strings on her hoodie.

"...Sara did he touch you again?," Draco asked. Sara just sat there in silence.

"...babe, I need you to tell me so I can go kick his ass for you.," Draco said softly.

"...he forced himself on me.," Sara mumbled.

"And I tried to get him off of me... and I tried to stop him but I couldn't..," Sara said under her breath. Draco could see the tears running down her face but she tried to hide them with her hair. Draco was angry, of course, furious even, but he needed to be with Sara right now... to make her feel safe.

"...I'm so sorry darling.," Draco took a deep breath, tears brimming his eyes.

"I should've been there with you! To protect you and I'm so sorry that he did that... that shouldn't have happened to you.," Draco cupped her face, a tear ran down his cheek. Just to see her crying like that made him upset.

It just hurt him to hear about what happened to his girl. Why would anybody want to hurt her?

Draco pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, he kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears. The look in her wet eyes made Draco fall apart.

"Come here..," Draco opened his arms. Sara crawled over to him and sat down on his lap, laying her head on his chest.

"I'm going to keep you safe... I promise.," Draco grabbed her hand and kissed her promise ring.



An hour past and Sara fell asleep cuddling Prejudice, Draco was changing his clothes, and looked at Sara lying on the bed. He walked over to her and sat down next to her, pushing her hair out of her face. He kissed her head and shook her lightly, waking her.

"Hm..?," Sara hummed.

"Stay here okay?," Draco sighed.

"Where are you going..?," Sara questioned.

"I just have to go take care of something... don't worry about it.," Draco smiled.

"Okay.. I love you.," Sara muttered.

"I love you too.," Draco said and put the covers over her, making sure that she went back to sleep.

He stood up with a devilish smile on his face.

"...Pucey you are a dead man.," Draco said under his breath and walked out the dorm.



Adrian's about to get his ass beat.

Kk, love you. Bye! Xx

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora