{7 - Orders }

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TW: abuse.

(daddy issues)

Sara was getting out of hospital today, Draco went to classes but after he went go pick up Sara. He ran into the hospital room and saw Sara trying to getting out of bed, she was all cleaned up. Wearing leggings and a black sweater. She saw Draco and smiled.
Draco took a deep breath and smiled and ran over to her and pulled her up off the bed, pulling her into his arms. Sara laughed. He gave her a kiss. He hadn't been able to hug her or cuddle her ever since she's been in the hospital.

"God I'm so happy I finally get to hold you again...",Draco smiled.

"I'm so happy I get to stand again... I swear my legs went numb like twenty times in that bed.", Sara chuckled.

"Well where do you want to go? Since you didn't have to go to class today.", Draco smiled. Sara held onto Draco's hand tightly. Her balance was a bit off  but she just needed to walk for a little bit.

"I need to go talk to my dad again...",Sara sighed.

"Why?",Draco asked.

"...Family matter.",Sara said. "Oh alright...", Draco said, he could tell she was lying but he trust that she would tell him when she was ready.

They went to Snape's office.

"Stay here.",Sara said and walked into Snape's office and closed the door.

"Oh Father? Daddy dearest??", Sara said with a pleasant tone in her voice.

"Aah your out of the hospital!",Snape said.

"Oh yea I just came here to tell you... I'm not doing it. I refuse.",Sara said. "I told you, you don't have a choice..", Snape stood up.

"You can't say that!! It's not fair!!",Sara yelled.

"It's your destiny!", Snape said.

"You don't choose my destiny!!",Sara slammed her hand down on his desk. "I do.",Sara growled.

"You do as I tell you!!",Snape yelled. " you take orders from me!"

"I take orders from no one but myself!",Sara said.

I mean- She takes orders from Draco too... but only when it's late at night and he turns the led lights red. (DHHGNJGJKJ)

"You listen here you little brat.",Snape pushed Sara up against the wall as his hand was around her neck, choking her. She tried to push his hand away.

"You will do it. Or you will die. You hear me?", Snape said.

"Fuck you.", She said gasping for air. Snape slapped her and let go of her neck. She chuckled and wheezed a bit and wiped the blood off of her lip.

Her short hair messed up as she ran her fingers through it pushing it back, out of her face.

"I hate you!!", she yelled and pushed him.
"I wish mum was here... maybe she could knock some sense into you.", she growled as a tear ran down her cheek, she put her hand on her throat gently clawing at it, and walked out of his office.

"Hey are you alright? I heard yelling...",Draco asked.

Sara walked past Draco and kept walking.

"Princess wait—",Draco grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. He looked at her and her lip was busted and she had a bit of bruising around her neck.

"Already...?",Draco whined and lifted up her chin so he could see the bruising.

"It was my fault this time. I tried to reason with him but instead he gave a me a nice pat on the face.", Sara said sarcastically and sighed.

Love Hate Relationship; Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now