Chapter 3

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I was being released today. I had done my time, but I knew I would just end up back here soon enough. They would find something else to punish me for. As I was dragged out of the cells I saw the other prisoners kept in their own cells. A little child, maybe seven years old, curled up in a corner, eyes dead of emotion. So young and yet the numbness to pain had already taken over. How long had he spent here? Maybe his whole little life. How long until that would be me too? Breathing but barely alive.


This was the second time in a row I was being awoken by an intense smell. This time however, it was the smell of food mixed with the intoxicating scent that must have belonged to none other than my mate.

As my eyes slowly opened I could see his bold frame sitting next to me on the bed with a plate of food in one hand as he stroked my cheek with the other.

"Time to wake up now. It's almost noon," he explained.

As I slowly sat up I could feel the ache in my side and winced. Was I really going to have to deal with this for two weeks? The price you have to pay for freedom. Except I didn't even get my freedom in the end as now I'm stuck here.

I had a short reprieve from the pain when Finn gently placed his hand over the bandages covering my wound, as I was still shirtless, which I could now seen had bled through slightly. I also noticed that I must have been tucked under the covers at some point because if I recall correctly I fell asleep right on top of the sheets the night before.

"I brought you some food. I really think you should eat now. I don't know when you last did eat but you've already gone more than a day without food now so have a little even if you don't want to okay."

"Trust me, I always want to eat," I replied taking the plate from his hand. It was a nice full English Breakfast and I had never been happier. I practically scoffed it down without a breath and only realised when I had finished that Finn was watching the whole time.

"Okay yeah you like food." He smiled. The bastard. I can't believe he watched me do that, how embarrassing. Huffing I handed him back the plate. "Do you want me to get a bath ready for you or are you good to shower?"

"I can shower, don't like baths."

"And here I was hoping we could have a bath together someday..." he mumbled as he walked away to set the plate down somewhere.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to." I blushed.

He helped me get out of bed after that and guided me to the bathroom attached to the room, watching me the whole time or looking shamelessly at my body really. When I got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I couldn't see what all the fuss was about considering I looked terrible. My blonde hair was practically becoming dreadlocks and I didn't think that would be a particularly good look for me. My body was covered in my scars and burn marks, my face looked dull and lifeless, and my lips were chapped from dehydration.

I walked closer to the mirror and grabbed a glass next to the sink pouring myself some water that I gulped down. I was distracted in that moment, so I didn't feel Finn come up right behind me until I felt his breath on my back as he placed a finger on the brand at the top of my spine. Through the mirror I could see his eyes fully taking me in, my body lean and flat.

"I know you won't open up to me yet so I won't ask, but I will ask someday," he explained.

"Can I have a comb or something?" I asked ignoring what he just said. "And how am I meant to wash myself with my bandages?"

"Yeah here," he said as he opened one of the drawers and pulled out a hairbrush. "And you'll have to be careful with the water. I'll show you how to get the pressure for the showerhead low and then try to avoid your side as much as you can, so you don't get your bandages too wet. As soon as you get out take the old bandages off and the doctor said you should spray this disinfectant spray over it before covering it with new bandages."

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