Chapter 28

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Mentions of explicit sexual content

TW: mentions of sexual assault


"Leave me alone!" Luca screamed at me. I had gone into his room uninvited because I was lonely, and I wanted to spend time with him. He had allowed me to stay at first but then he got annoyed as I kept touching his things and moving things out of place.

"Get out Weylyn!" he shouted. He never called me by my full name, it was always 'Wey', so I stood still at hearing my whole name come out of his mouth. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. I was only six so hearing him talk to me like this broke my heart and then suddenly I was crying.

I ran out of his room to find my mum or dad because they were the only ones who could comfort me right now. I found my mum in our conservatory where she was reading a book and my father was looking through his telescope at the stars. He loved to study the constellations whenever the sky was clear and luckily, we didn't live too near a city for the lights to disguise the burning infernos that graced us with their presence in outer space.

I climbed onto my mother's lap and cried into her shoulder as she asked me what was wrong.

"Wey..." I heard Luca say as he ran into the room behind me. When I peered at him, he had guilt written all over his face as our parents stared down at him.

"Luca, did you make your brother upset?" my mother questioned.

"I didn't mean to," my brother replied looking down at his little feet.

"Luca," my father said getting down on his knees to face my brother head on. "You mustn't make your brother cry. You must look out for him and make him smile and keep him safe. That's what big brothers really do."


We met Alpha Brudus and Maeve outside the cells where a guard let us in. These cells weren't anywhere near as bad as the cells of Pack Cero, but they were certainly no luxurious hotel room where you could get comfortable. We walked down the long winding corridor underground where there were cells on either side of us, but this was the only prison in the Navarre pack, and it didn't even have nearly as many cells as a single prison in Pack Cero would have had.

When we got to the end of the hallway, we had finally reached Rowan's cell. The silver bars had been put up to make sure he didn't escape out of the plain metal ones. Rowan was sat in the corner with his head behind knees and when he heard us, he stood quickly. From his bloodshot eyes I could tell he had probably been crying.

"I hope you're ready to talk," Alpha Brudus said with a calm and even voice. "This is the only opportunity I will give you to do so."

"What are you going to do with me?" Rowan asked, not responding to what the Alpha had said.

"We ask the questions, not you," Brudus simply replied. "How about we start with, why does this Alpha Diolo want Weylyn so badly?"

"I..." Rowan gulped and fidgeted with his fingers before sighing and continuing to speak. "I'm not sure. I just know that Beta Stone desperately wants his brother back and the Alpha is allowing him to try and get Weylyn."

"Why does the Beta want him back then?" Maeve asked this time, before anyone else could speak.

"I don't know. I swear I was only following orders. I thought... I thought if I do as they ask, then maybe they would be more lenient on my sister," Rowan replied.

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