Chapter 33

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I awoke with a start as a searing pain invaded my veins. When my eyes frantically opened and my mouth erupted in a wail, I saw my brother crouched in front of me with a dart in his hand which he had just ripped out of my neck.

"Had to give you a second dose," he said. "Think the first one might have been wearing off."

Oh perfect, more wolfsbane.

"You didn't have to do that," I said with a groan of pain. "Why are you always finding ways to hurt me?" I asked. I became sad and very emotional at the thought of my brother being the biggest pain in my life and the biggest hinderance on my happiness. Life was never supposed to be this way.

"I'm not trying to hurt you Wey," he said with a pained look on his face. I just scoffed in reply and looked away from him, to which I heard him sigh.

When I looked around at my surroundings, I noticed it was dark, so he must have carried me for a long time for it to be night-time now. The moon was bright, almost a full moon, and the stars grew like fireflies in the backdrop. I thought about how I used to stare up at these same stars every night that I had to spend locked up in a cell in the Cero pack. They were my only company and comfort during that awful time, and I feared that I would have to return to such a predicament that brought me such despair, even if Luca said things were going to be different. He hadn't done anything to make me want to trust him and all I wanted was to be with my Finn anyway.

We were still in the forest but we were definitely out of Navarre territory. I remembered that I tried my best to leave a trail of my blood to help Finn find me, but I didn't know how far we had travelled since I had left my last droplets of blood behind. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that, somehow, my mate would still come save me from the cruel and evil man that had beguiled my brother's disposition.

"Why Luca?" I asked feeling forlorn. "Why have you done all of this? Is it really just because, in some fucked up way, you've come to think of me being tortured and in pain and unhappy as somehow a way to make me a stronger person?"

"Wey, look. I know how it sounds. I know you think I'm crazy. But Alpha Diolo explained it all to me when I first met him. He made me understand and he can help you understand too. When I get you back there, please just submit so we can begin your training," he responded.

"What did Diolo say to you? How did you even meet him? I don't understand Luca."

"One of his followers found me in the woods when I went for a run one night. He told me that he knew an Alpha that could truly protect us all from any and every threat. That's all I wanted Wey, just for us to be protected, a way for me to protect you. So, I followed the stranger back to the Cero pack and Alpha Diolo explained everything, okay."

He told me that I could find safety and sanctuary there and that he could help protect me and teach me how to protect the ones I loved. I couldn't do that for our parents now could I? I wasn't fast enough to reach them in time, nor strong enough to fight the rogues that attacked them, nor smart enough to realise that I shouldn't have let our parents go off on their own. I'd been so mad at myself for all the mistakes that I made. So, when a man told me that he could help me fix all my flaws and my problems of course I was going to accept his help, and of course I wanted to make sure you got his help too."

I understand how it all sounds, believe me I do. And I know that Zagen's ways are maybe a little cruel and unjust but you have to understand the same thing he helped me understand: life is cruel. The strongest of all survive because we learn to withstand this cruelty and bend it to our will so that it can benefit us. He's going to teach you that too!"

I tried so many times to explain it to you, to talk to you, but you would never listen to anything I had to say. But it's okay, I understand why. Hopefully things can get better from here. When you finally understand what Zagen can do for us, you will be happy about everything you might have had to suffer because you will become a stronger person."

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