Chapter 18

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"Weylyn..." Finn trailed off.

"Yeah baby?" I asked.

"Was I good?" We were still in the tub, the water a little cooler now but neither of us wanted to get up yet.

"You were really good," I said with a smile as I turned around to look at him quickly and gave him a kiss on the nose and then the lips.

"I did the right thing with my hands n stuff?"

"You sure did. You did make me cum after all."

"That was the first time I made you cum," he said sounding happy.

"I doubt it will be the last," I whispered as I leaned back into his chest again.

"Is your throat okay now?" I told him it was, and it really had fully healed now, no soreness left at all and my voice no longer hoarse. "Is you like it like that then? Kinda... rough?"

I thought about his question for a moment. It really depended on my mood. Sometimes I loved being used like that and it got me off just know I could give my partner pleasure as he did whatever he wanted to me. Other times I loved being in charge and making my partner writhe underneath me as I used him. Then I also loved a mixture of the two – me instructing them on how to use me, guiding them to their own pleasure by being rough but in the way I demanded. And lastly, I loved it gentle as well, making love, going slow and exploring each other's bodies as we became one.

And was Lucien I had discovered my sexuality with in such a way, but I definitely wasn't going to mention it to my mate. I'm sure he must have guessed anyway but didn't want to talk about it and neither did I. I was simply excited to help Finn explore his sexuality and discover what he likes.

"It depends," I responded to him honestly, going onto explain how I liked to take charge sometimes but also how I loved being taken charge off.

"Did you like it? Your first blowjob, although I might have gotten carried away with what I wanted you to do. It ended up as more of a face fuck didn't it," I said sheepishly. I heard my mate give off a soft growl and shudder, presumably from the memory of it.

"I love it. I don't think I'll ever fucking forget it. I can't wait to do it to you."

"I can't wait either," I said with a content smile. "But let's just stick to a blowjob for your first time giving one. Deepthroating and face fucking is kinda intense and it will probably be a bit overwhelming if you try and do that for the first time. We'll take that slow okay."

"Okay...but I definitely plan on working my way up to it, just so you know," he replied. Goddess the thought of shoving my cock straight down his throat almost pushed me over the edge.

I was so excited to do more with my mate. I definitely didn't personally feel the need to go slow myself anymore, but I still had to take my time regardless because now I think that's just what would be best for Finn. I couldn't wait to see what more he had in him though. My mate was truly a blessing. I needed to make sure he wouldn't let his doubts overcome him later though.

I turned around to face him again and said, "Baby, I want you to know, that you really were amazing. You did so good. You made me feel so good. Even when it was me pleasuring you, I felt so euphoric and that was definitely all due to the fact that it was you I was letting use me. I don't want you to think at all that you were bad at any part of it, so if you have any thoughts of 'was I good enough?' later I want you to remember me telling you right now that you were more than good enough in every capacity. Okay?"

I watched the huge smile overtake his face and he enveloped me in a hug, telling me that I too was amazing, which put a smile on my own face.

After that we both got out of the bathtub and towelled each other off before going to find some clothes. It was almost dinner time where we would be eating with Finn's family again and we didn't want to be late or Belle, Finn's mother, would be pissed.

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