Chapter 16

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We had a particularly sunny day today as we got closer and closer to the summer months. And, as every Brit does (yes even us werewolves), 12 degrees and we were already outside with our shirts off basking in the sunlight as it danced on our skin. I was sat on Finn's lap, on a garden chair, as I traced patterns on his shoulders and occasionally ran my finger through his hair. I couldn't keep my eyes off his bare chest, but I had on his shirt now as I got self-conscious and asked to wear it.

We still had no new attacks and it had been three weeks since Natalia's death. We had a memorial service for her a few days ago, so everyone had the opportunity to mourn her because she had been a big part of the community apparently, but her actual burial had happened much earlier. I wish I could have gotten to know her properly.

Finn was still attending his weekly therapy sessions, having just come back from his third earlier today. I hung out with his sister, Isabella, while he was gone because Alexis was at college today and I still hadn't really made other friends here. I wanted to, but I wasn't a hugely social creature. Finn was lucky he got to see me as often as he did, but then we did share a bed and our mate bond denied me any feelings of wanting to be away from him. It was odd, not wanting space because, especially as a lone wolf, I usually always wanted it. I loved being around him though, and I was especially glad to see he was making process with his mental health. I think the memorial service in particular had helped a lot with giving him closure. I knew things wouldn't be that easy though, and he had a long way to go yet.

"Finn, come spar with me later?" Alex asked showing up from nowhere and making me jump.

"Oh, maybe tomorrow? I was going to go for a run with Weylyn later in our wolf forms," Finn responded. We had taken to going on evening runs together, every few days or so, to let our wolves out but we made sure to not stray too far from the house or get close to the borders.

"Seriously?" Alex said, clearly annoyed. I didn't say anything. I didn't really like talking to him at all anymore.

"Why do you say it like that?" my mate asked, his irritation becoming palpable. Alex had only continued making comments about me and he was never shy to say things in front of Finn either. My mate always tried desperately not to snap, which I could see from the way he clenched his fists every time Alex made a remark. Alex and Finn had grown up like brothers, and this conflict over me had only made things extremely tense between them. I felt bad, but at the same time Alex could just stop being a twat.

"Why would you want to have him lagging behind you as you run, when we could have a productive spar session like we usually do?"

Lag behind? He had never even seen me run before. I was fully healed now so my speed had returned in full force. I could keep up with Finn more than fine when we ran and could definitely go faster than him, and win if we were to race, but I didn't want to leave Finn lagging behind because I liked being near him, and with still no mind link I wouldn't be able to contact him if I got too far ahead and a wolf attacked.

"He doesn't lag behind," my mate said in defence, which I will admit was really hot.

We hadn't done much since our time in the shower and I knew I was falling head over heels for this man, if I hadn't already stopped falling, so I could safely say I was ready for more to happen between us. But with how things had been for him recently, and how he had a breakdown after we did anything intimate last time, I was nervous about overwhelming him and making him feel inadequate again. Before I was taking things slow for me, but now I needed to take things slow for him as well.

Alex scoffed and I guess Finn was finally sick of his shit. He did say he would sort out problems with Alex, but he was definitely quite distracted over the last few weeks, so I didn't blame him for not doing so yet.

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