Chapter 27

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It was finally the next day and at noon we were going to meet with the Alpha and some of the other commanders and future commanders to question Rowan. I barely slept all night and neither did Finn, so we kept each other company and I finally got to play some of the video games he had, and even watched a few more episodes of that Anime that Alexis showed me a while ago.

I finally managed to get Finn to allow his body to heal after a while and then we decided to go outside and watch the sunrise. It was beautiful and I was glad I got to see the beginning of a new day with my mate at my side. I felt a lot closer to him now that I had told him how I felt, and he told me how he felt. I couldn't wait to take the final step in the mating process, but we had to wait a little while longer before we did that. My mind could only focus on Rowan right now and I hardly wanted to be thinking of another person when I gave myself to Finn.

I was sat in his lap on the back porch steps as he hugged me from behind and told me stories from his childhood. He was trying to distract me, and it was half working so I appreciated the effort.

"I can't believe you chased your sister round with a knife when you were four. How does a four year old even think to do that?" I asked with a shake of my head.

He chuckled and responded with "I don't know, maybe my parents just shouldn't have left knives lying around."

Before I could say anything, I saw Alexis leave her house with Alex behind her, and I practically threw myself away from Finn and towards her. I was anxious to find out what had happened with her yesterday after she abruptly ended our call.

"Lex! I hope you know you owe me an explanation. You never even called me later like you said you would!" I practically shouted at her. Finn must have caught up to me because then I felt his hand go around my waist, staking his claim. I loved feeling him nearby.

"I know. I'm sorry," she responded.

"What's up Lex?" Finn asked.

"I umm, is it okay if I just talk to Weylyn alone for a bit?" she said back.

"Don't you wanna tell all of us what's going on?" Alex asked. "You've been all weird since you got back from college yesterday."

"I will tell you guys, but I just need to talk to Weylyn first because it's kinda something we already discussed..." she replied.

"Okay..." Finn said looking confused when I looked at him. "But remember, you can talk to us too." Alexis nodded and then she took my hand and pulled me away to her house. I heard Alex ask Finn if he wanted to play some call of duty like they used to behind me as I was dragged away. I was glad they were going to hang out, I had a feeling that, despite what he said about Robin, some of his frustrations towards me might have had to do with the fact that I kind of stole his best friend away. I hoped they could repair any part of their friendship that may have gotten broken, but I might have to let my Finn go off without me more often and well I just didn't want to do that. Maybe I was being clingy but we hadn't fully mated yet so I couldn't help it. I just always wanted to be with him right now.

Me and Alexis made it back inside her house through the back door where I saw Al, her younger brother, in the kitchen. We said hi to each other having had a few brief interactions before, but he was thirteen and probably spent most of his time with friends closer to his age, and I was quite asocial, so we didn't mingle very often. His eyes and his hair were the same shade as Alex's and he honestly looked like a mini version of his older brother.

We went to Alexis' room and I stood by her bed giving her space to think to figure out what she wants to say. It had been a while since I had been here, though I had hung out with her one-on-one a couple more times since the first time. Her room always felt very welcoming.

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