Chapter 7

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My parents would sometimes fight like everyone else's but when you're a kid it feels like the end of the world. It's like your whole world has come crashing down because the two people who were meant to be your anchor no longer worked in harmony and were drifting away from each other. Of course, they always came back to each other, apologies said and arguments quickly forgotten before we were all sat around the TV again watching some movie, and me and Luca would fall asleep on each other's shoulders as our parents sat to either side of us hugging us close.

So, when we went to check what all the commotion coming from next door was, only to find Alex and his mate, Gia, having a fight over a dropped plate, I knew it wouldn't be a big deal. But of course, when you're in the heat of an argument it sure feels like a big deal and soon Gia had tears running down her face and Finn and Maeve had taken Alex to a private room to calm down. Leaving me alone with Gia, when I was pretty sure I wasn't meant to be left alone with anyone the Alpha hadn't agreed to beforehand.

I mean it wasn't like I was going to take off. I wouldn't get very far with the pain in my side and well I didn't particularly want to leave just like that, especially after the talk I had just had with Finn.

On the other hand, I wouldn't be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about just leaving and going back to Finn's place because now I was stuck with a crying girl that I had never met before, let alone talked to or consoled. Moon Goddess help me.

I sat down in the seat next to her on the small sofa in the conservatory she had moved to. She was pretty in an unsuspecting way with high cheekbones, arched blonde eyebrows, and the palest skin with equally pale hair and eyelashes. Her lips had turned a bright red from the way she bit at them and her ice blue eyes glistened with tears that were still being shed.

I asked her if she was okay, which was a stupid question considering she clearly wasn't. She told me she would be fine, and I just sat with her for a bit keeping her company as she managed to put herself back together.

Eventually the trio of future commanders came back and Gia rushed to her mate apologising for getting so angry over a broken plate. The two mates apologised back and forth until they hugged and kissed and made up while Finn came to collect me from where I was sat and guided me back to his own home.

"Are they always like that?" I asked my mate.

"Not always but I wouldn't say it's a rare occurrence. They're still pretty new so I guess they're still getting to know each other even if they are fully mated," he explained. "Gia is lovely but she's very particular about the way she wants things. When things don't go according to plan, she gets a bit upset."

"Right, okay."

"I wasn't meant to leave you alone there with her. Mind not mentioning it to the Alpha? Maeve already said she wouldn't."

"Yeah, I don't plan on saying anything don't worry," I said with a little laugh.

My mate and I then had breakfast and lunch together. We spent the whole time talking and getting to know each other more. I felt a lot closer to him after the things he'd told me this morning and it was really nice feeling kind of close to someone again.

When I told Finn I wasn't a virgin, the first day we met, I wasn't lying. There were only two other people before him. One was a random hook up I had in school with a human (huge waste of a first time as we were both clueless) and the other someone quite important to me, Lucien, and I wouldn't necessarily say I was in love with him but I certainly loved him in a way.

We were just friends, but we were friends in a place that tortured our bodies and our minds, and we found solace in each other. We had started to become unsure if we would ever find our mates - especially for me since this was when I hadn't developed my ability to sense my mate yet - and it felt like we would only ever have each other. At this point I already knew my brother was lost to me. So, in what moments of peace me and Lucien had, we let all our feelings flow out like a waterfall; we watched the clouds and the stars; took care of each other after another stay in the cells, and when we felt truly, truly alone we sought comfort in each other's arms.

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