Chapter 4

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Getting down the stairs was painfully slow. I refused to let Finn carry me this time so I took each step one at a time while my mate went ahead of me to break my fall if I slipped, not that I would have. Yes, it would have absolutely been quicker if I let him carry me again, but I only allowed it last time due to pure exhaustion.

Once I finally made it to the bottom Finn guided me into a sort of small living room, I knew it was the main one because we passed it on the way here. This house was definitely huge, not like a mansion exactly but it was clear they lived very comfortably. The had plenty of spare rooms for guests from the many other bedroom I saw upstairs on the way down, unless Finn had about seven other siblings or something.

Inside the room we were currently in were three others. There were two girls; one of the girls and the boy I had seen from when I was in the hospital and the other person was a stranger to me.

"Well, if it isn't the lone wolf," said the blonde.

"You met these two already: Alex and Maeve," Finn explained. "And this is my friend Alexis, Alex' sister."

"Alex and Alexis. Really?" I said rolling my eyes. Alex growled at me at the insult but it's not my fault his parents couldn't get creative with names.

"Be nice Weylyn."

"Weylyn, really? And you made fun of our names," Alex scoffed. Fuck you. I ignored him and took a seat on the sofa.

"I'll see you later okay, Alexis will call me if you need me," was the last thing Finn said before he left along with Alex and Domonique. Hopefully Alexis would like me more than her brother and this wouldn't have to be painfully awkward.

"Trust me, I'm more annoyed at my parents' lack of creativity in naming their kids than anyone else. Our younger brother, he's called Al for fucks sake!" Alexis exclaimed. I chuckled. "Mum didn't do that to you, did she? They didn't tell me much of what happened except that they found you on our land and you refuse to tell them why and that you're Finn's mate!" I assumed her mum must have been the Beta.

"No, your mum didn't do this," I said as I placed a hand on the wound. They'd put stitches over it and I was constantly feeling paranoid that they would rip, not that I had done anything yet that would cause that.

"Who did?"

"What makes you think I'll tell you when I haven't even told my mate."

"You have a point."

After that we chatted idly for some time before putting on a movie. During our chat I learnt that Alexis was nineteen, the same age as me, and her mum was in fact the Beta, her name being Niamh. This was the Navarre pack of which Alex was set to take over as Beta in the next few years as Finn would take over the role of the Third. The other girl I had seen when I was in the hospital was called Maeve (as Finn said earlier) and she would be taking over as Alpha – you didn't see female Alpha's very often, or Betas for that matter. This may have been a pack, but they had slightly more modern views than more traditional packs where they followed on from historical practices of having the males compete in battles to determine the strongest. The winner would take on the role of Alpha, if the current Alpha's first born had been a girl.

Alexis was currently training to be one of the pack doctor's and her younger brother supposedly wanted to follow in her footsteps. If only the doctors had a way to treat wolfsbane related injuries. My very own injury would take at least a week to heal the surface wounds and then another week or two to heal all internal damages. I knew from previous experience, not of my own but of a friend's. The thought of them made my heart ache and any semblance of calm left my body.

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