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"Sweetheart, my leg isn't a toy. Come on now," I said reprimanding my little girl as she sat on the floor trying to play with my prosthetic. I swiftly picked her up and placed her on my lap where she couldn't get up to anymore mischief.

Astrid was a little over a year old now and could say simple words like 'dadda' in the cutest most adorable little voice and every time I heard it I just wanted to cuddle her and tell her how much I loved her just because she could speak one simple word now.

She had dark curly hair like her father, Finn, but brown eyes and slightly less tanned skin. We had adopted her right when she was born as her biological mother had unfortunately died during birth and her biological father had passed too before that. The beginning of her life may have been tragic but me and Finn planned on making sure that the rest of her life would be filled with happiness and love with the both of us there to look after her.

"Daddy!" our other child Bo screamed as he jumped out of Finn's arms who was stood in the doorway to the living room and ran straight to me and joined his sister on my lap. "Daddy! Papa let me ride on his wolfie's back!"

"Finn!" I said annoyed at my mate. Bo was only five and I didn't feel he was old enough to ride on either of our backs when we shifted yet. He could fall off and get hurt and I worried for my children like any parent would, or at least should.

"Thanks Bo, it was meant to be our little secret," Finn said tutting at Bo playfully which made him giggle. "And don't worry love, I walked very, very slowly and Alexis and Kenzy were both there to make sure he didn't fall, I promise. He saw Xavier get on Gia's back and he wanted to as well," Finn explained. "How could I saw no to his little face?" he said pinching Bo's cheeks lightly in a loving gesture, which made our son giggle, as he took a seat beside me and the two kids on my lap. Safe to say, Finn was much more of the fun parent out of the two of us.

We had adopted Bo from an orphanage a year before Astrid and we weren't sure what had happened to his biological parents. The orphanage had no idea either as he had shown up in a basket outside their doors when he was still a baby. Unfortunately, because of a deformity he had where his hand had never developed, in the womb we suspect, and his arm ended in a stump, he had gone unadopted by for years before we found him.

I saw him almost instantly, in the garden when we had visited the orphanage for the first time. The sun was shining on his golden hair and his deep blue eyes had ben trailing the other kids playing with each other. He was stood holding one of the care taker's hands as the woman tried to encourage him to play but he looked timid and scared and lonely, and I noticed his hand and recognised an insecurity in him that I had felt myself.

I had gone straight up to him and asked if he wanted to play with me instead and we went inside to the playroom and played with toy trains for maybe half an hour when Finn found us, after talking to all the other kids and the care takers. Then he sat down and played with Bo as well and we both looked at each other when Bo got up and sat straight in my lap like he had known us for years and we knew that this was our little boy, our first child, and that there was no way we were leaving him behind.

"Fine," I said. "As long as he's safe, I don't care, I guess. Can you take Bo for a bath though before we drop them off at your mum's? We have to be there in an hour."

"Yeah, course," Finn replied and took our son for a quick bath. I had already given Astrid one earlier and had just finished putting her hair into two little ponytails at either side of her head. She had a good head of hair on her which grew incredibly fast for her age and she looked absolutely adorable.

When Finn finished bathing Bo and getting him changed, we dropped both the kids off at Finn's old house with his mum and his sister Viola, one of the twins, who was home from university at the moment. They were going to be babysitting for us while we were away for the day.

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