Chapter 13

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TW: Self Harm


Considering Alexis and her family's house was right next door it really wasn't hard for me to find my way there. Their house was as big as Finn's, as were the other few houses down this strip of land that had been turned into a small road which bended off into other roads leading to other houses.

The Navarre pack was situated in a small village filled with houses that got bigger and more extravagant based on the family's rank, clearly showing the hierarchical system that pack life tended to consist of. Pack members look out for each other (or should be doing so) as if they were all family, so they didn't make a big fuss about how many more materialistic possessions some had in comparison to others.

I rung the doorbell next to the door and waited for someone to answer nervously. I hadn't really been anywhere in the pack without Finn accompanying me, so doing this on my own thrust me out of my norm and the change just made my nerves blow up. A couple minutes after waiting on the front step someone opened the door, but to my dismay it was Alex, the future Beta, of all people.

"Haven't you two fucked yet?" He asked clicking his teeth and gesturing to my neck where a few prominent hickies stood with no indication of a mate mark.

"Umm none of your business?" I said confused and now extremely uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes. "Why are you leading him on?" Where in bloody hell did he get that idea?

"Who says I'm leading him on?!" I asked in astonishment.

"You guys haven't mated yet and it's been like over two weeks," he says in a duh tone.

"And that means I'm leading him on? Me and him are mates and I'm not doing anything dishonest with him. I'm sorry you don't understand taking things slow, but I'd appreciate if you butted out of our relationship considering it doesn't involve you. Now I came here for Alexis, is she here or not?" I couldn't believe he had the audacity to try and involve himself in my love life.

He stared at me for a few short moments and narrowed his eyes before he let me in and texted Alexis to let her know I was here; mind links could only be accessed in wolf form with no other way to communicate in detail.

I waited patiently in their reception room as I pondered over the conversation that just happened. I didn't know whether I should tell Finn. They were friends so I didn't want to come between them but maybe he could figure out what Alex' problem was with me and help me sort it out. I didn't know what exactly I had done to make him quite clearly dislike me in such a way. And he really thought I was leading on my own mate?

As I got lost in my thoughts, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked around to see Alexis grinning. She plopped herself down next to me on the leather sofa and asked what I was doing here. I told her I wanted to hang out if she wasn't busy.

"Nah I'm not busy. Were you allowed to come here by yourself though? Where's Finn?" she asked, and I remembered how she had to wait outside while I talked to the Alpha early this morning. That meant she didn't know anything about Pack Cero and Zagen.

"He got called into a meeting. I'm allowed to go places on my own now. I told them everything when I had to see the Alpha this morning," I explained.

"Oh okay, has that got something to do with why I had to go help The Third with a new patrol rota?" I nodded my head to say yes. "They didn't explain what it was for, just that we had to be more vigilant with outside threats in case of an attack. Am I allowed to know what's going on?" she asked.

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