Chapter 9

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Tw: thoughts of suicide

"Don't worry Lu," I consoled. "I've got you now."

Lucien was bleeding, badly. They had just let him out of the cell he spent the night in, more like dragged him out considering the poor thing could barely stand at this point.

He was gone for three days and I knew they wouldn't have fed him, so I had snuck away pieces of bread from my own meals to give to him when he finally got out. At the moment he was nibbling on them while I put a thick towel around his thigh which I secured by wrapping a belt around it. His other injuries had healed or were still healing with only some small cuts left over that would be gone soon enough, but the deep gash in his thigh had be created using a silver blade so it needed at least a week of rest and plenty of food to fuel his body. I would have to give him some of my rations. He would refuse but I'd make him eat it anyway.

"What did they do?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it Lyn," came his response. I nodded. I got it; I really did. How could we be strong for each other if we told each other our weakest moments. It was bad enough we saw each other at our worst, we didn't need the other to see us go through the process of being broken down either.

"I'm gonna give you some of my rations again. You need the extra energy to help heal."

"Fuck off, I'll be fine."

"You fuck off. You're having them end off."

"You can't force me."

"No, I can't but you can't force me either. I can just throw half of it away so no one gets to eat them, or you can eat them. Either way they won't be entering my mouth."

"You're so frustratingly stubborn sometimes you know that."

"I know."

That night I held him as he slept on my lap. We were in my tiny room on my single bed; my back propped against the wall with a pillow for support as Lucien laid flat across the length off the mattress. I couldn't sleep. I was terrified.

Luca had come by earlier to talk to me, but upon entering my room he had found me taking care of my best friend. My brother never visited me - the only times I saw him these days was when he was with the Alpha - so keeping my friendship with Lucien a secret had been easy. But now he knew.

My brother had turned into a cruel and vicious man in the last few months, and I was so worried that he would harm Lu somehow to get to me, as if Lucien hadn't already suffered enough, as if we all hadn't. Luca desperately wanted me to submit to the Alpha of this 'pack' and for what reason I did not know. And I saw the look in his eyes when he realised there was something I cared for, something he could use.

A few days passed and Lucien's leg had started to heal and he could finally walk on it now without it being too hard. I was relieved. Every time he, or I, got injured I worried about infections as they don't allow us proper medical care unless we submit and accept the Alpha as our own. Neither I nor Lucien would do that; not now, not ever. We had sworn to each other that we would die before we let that evil man control us, and I would not allow myself to be weak like my brother who succumbed to the Alpha so very easily.

I was going to meet Lucien later, after I finished my clean-up shift in the cells. I had been assigned to go and clean all the waste buckets in row XI-B of the southern cells today. I was definitely not looking forward to it in the slightest.

The guard wolves let me in and one followed me down to open all the cell doors and make sure no prisoner tried escaping as I cleaned out their shit and piss and returned the buckets anew. I would have to carry two at a time and take them to a cleaning station at the back of the row of cells and basically empty the contents into a large drainage system in the floor and wash it, and the bucket, down with a hose that I could pull out from the wall.

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