Chapter 23

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When I awoke again it was late morning and I was snuggled into Finn's side. I remembered last night's events and found a huge smile overtake my features for a moment, until I remembered everything that happened before that and the smile was soon gone. Still, I was grateful that Finn helped me forget for even a few moments and for giving me such an intense orgasm.

I loved how he grew a bit more confident and became commanding but if he thought it was going to be like that every time then he was sorely mistaken. I would have to show him just how commanding I could be soon enough, when it was the right time. But last night I was in a very vulnerable state and just desperately craved to be taken care of, and my mate had happily obliged, and I was so, so happy he was mine. I was truly falling in love with this man, and I hoped he felt the same way about me. Even if he didn't yet, I think I would tell him how I felt soon because I just need him to know how important he has become to me.

Rowan was being kept in the cells of the Navarre pack and I had to make sure I asked the Alpha if I could be there when they questioned him. Finn had told me they would begin questioning tomorrow. I didn't think waiting so long to question him was a good idea, but I understood that they were just trying to intimidate and isolate him before they hit him with the heavy questions. Besides, I wasn't in charge of the pack nor had I ever been in charge of any group of people, so it wasn't really my place to judge how they decided to run things.

"Mmm, morning love," Finn said as he woke up and squeezed me tighter into his side. I fit so perfectly in the crook of his neck and he fit so perfectly around me keeping me safe and warm. He was without a doubt made for me. I made a mental note to be the big spoon more often though because I'm sure he would want to be held just as much as I did.

"Morning baby," I replied with a sigh of content as I put my hand on his ass, which only made him wrap his leg around my waist like he had done so many times before. I loved lying here in bed like this; it was like my own little cocoon of happiness.

"I did good last night, didn't I?" my beautiful mate said into my hair proudly. It made me blush and even giggle a little before I told him he did amazing.

"You tasted delicious," he added, bringing his lips to my neck and leaving a trail of open-mouth kisses. "I could eat you all up." Goddess, he was making me all hot again.

"Finn..." I whined. I wanted his lips on mine.


"Kiss me properly!" I told him and he quickly brought his lips to mine like I wanted, and we made out for a bit.

Okay, for a while.

"Love?" he called after a little bit.

"Yeah?" I answered back.

"Will you give me some hickies? I want to have your marks on me like you have mine."

"Oh, you give them to me all the time and I haven't given you many have I?" He shook his head indicating a no and gave me a little cute pout to show how upset he was about it. "Come here," I commanded, as I got on top of him, so I was straddling him.

I brought my head down to his and started by placing open mouth kisses on his neck and the bend where his neck transformed into his chest. Soon I was sucking and biting, because I knew how much he enjoyed using his teeth on me and figured he would enjoy me using my teeth on him, which he very much did from the moans of pleasure I got out of him. After some time, he was sporting at least half a dozen large hickies all over his neck and chest area with a few smaller ones interspersed between them. I was actually pretty proud of my work.

"There," I said with a big smile. "I think you'll be happy with them. You better be anyway.'

"I'm sure I will be," my mate said with a chuckle. However, before he could say anything else, we heard a knock at the door.

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