Chapter 55

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Another month passed and I was used to my wheelchair and my crutches, which I could last longer with now, and running as a wolf with only three legs. Today we were going to visit Arlo as he was going to be having his first shift and he had come to visit me recently to remind me that I had asked to be there. It brightened my afternoon actually to see him again and I invited him in and asked him to show me how he made that cupcake he had given to me on my birthday because it had been delicious. We ended up baking all afternoon and when Finn came back from seeing his therapist there were dozens of different flavoured cupcakes littering the kitchen on every surface.

"Goddess, who's going to eat all of these?" Finn had said when he saw us.

"Me duh!" I told him with a giggle. I was in my wheelchair by the dining table as I iced our last batch of cupcakes.

"And I'm taking quite a few back with me to give to my family," Arlo explained looking a bit sheepish. "And I'll probably give some to my friends too."

"Alright then," Finn chuckled. "As long as they're not going to be taking over the kitchen indefinitely." He came over and sat on my lap in my wheelchair which he did a lot, now that he was sure he wouldn't crush me or the wheelchair or hurt my leg. I wrapped one arm around his waist and he leant down for a kiss which I happily granted him, but it was only a peck as Arlo was here.

The three of us sat around the table icing the cakes and talking until the sun went down. I invited Arlo to come round whenever he felt like baking more when he told us he didn't like to do it too much at home because his parents always got mad at the mess. Finn was maybe a little bit annoyed that I had told Arlo he could come round whenever because he would most likely have to help clear the mess he hadn't made.

"But babyyy, I'm a cripple now and you're my mate so it's only fair that you help us clean up afterwards," I joked later on that evening.

"You're very lucky I love you," Finn replied before leaning down and giving me a kiss. We were in our room downstairs, and I was just about to get out of my wheelchair and onto my bed before he kissed me. But now, his lips were on mine and then he was straddling my lap in the chair, and he ended up riding me right then and there.

Yes, we had the bed right next to us which would have made things a lot easier, but we ended up enjoying having sex on my wheelchair every now and then. We had found our libido back and had sex whenever we could, not as frequently as when we first mated of course, but at least every other day. At first when we tried to do it on my wheelchair, it had been a little awkward as we had to figure out the logistics of it all but we found it funny and we would laugh and eventually we figured the best way to do it like this was for Finn to turn his back to me and ride my dick with his legs planted on the floor and my hands on his hips. I loved the sight of it.

Anyway, today was Arlo's 16th birthday, or at least at midnight it would be. On a werewolf's 16th we usually celebrated the day before they actually turned 16 because usually, they were exhausted after the first shift which could be very painful and tiresome so they would sleep it off for the whole day afterwards. I remembered doing the same on my first shift and Luca had done it too but I hadn't been allowed to see him shift because he didn't want me there for it when he first shifted. I used to be upset about it that Luca didn't let me be there because I idolised my brother back then and I didn't understand why he wouldn't want me there. I wonder if he just didn't want his little brother to see him so weak. It didn't matter anymore though; it was long ago in the past, and it wasn't going to change, and I wouldn't ever get anymore answers about Luca because there was no one left to ask the questions to.

We celebrated Arlo's birthday all day and it was a very nice, and actually quite a calm, day. Not everyone in the pack came as the big birthdays usually ended up being for higher ranks which made me a little sad for Arlo considering how many people had come to my birthday when I was still new to the pack. It was just to do with pack hierarchies though, so it wasn't meant maliciously, and Arlo didn't seem to mind. He didn't have the most outgoing temperament and seemed to be quite content with just his family and close friends around him.

I had given him a high-end mixer for when he wanted to bake more, and he looked thrilled when he opened it. Finn had grumbled when I first got it because he knew it would just be used to make a mess in our kitchen but I knew he didn't actually care. He had gotten Arlo about five different cookbooks, each from a different country so he could try baking different types of desserts. Finn was so cute when he wanted to be.

Then midnight rolled around and we gathered in a secluded part of the forest for Arlo to have his shift in. He was wearing a ceremonial white tunic, which was more of a pack tradition, where the cloth would be ripped as he shifted to symbolise the end of his human nature and a proper start to his werewolf life. It also helped hide his body, so everyone wasn't staring at him nude. As Lone wolves, we tended to just put on some old clothes we didn't mind ruining.

It was a painful process, and I could see Arlo definitely struggling with the pain. He tried to hide his screams as the first of his bones started twisting and transforming but then his back broke and he bent forwards at almost a right angle, as his spine realigned, and he let out a horrible scream. I almost ran up to him to comfort him but Finn held me back and I was glad he did. If I went up to him Arlo might have started panicking thinking that something was wrong which would have made his first shift even more difficult. In reality this was just how shifts went and it had been just as painful for me as well. I was thankful to the moon Goddess that the excruciating pain only had to be felt once.

Eventually Arlo had completed his shift and he was a beautiful brunette little wolf. His wolf would get a little bigger throughout his next few shifts, but right now he looked not quite like a pup but still a very young wolf. Then everyone that was here shifted and we all ran with Arlo as he learnt to use his new legs and looked amazed at how much clearer he could see, how much further he could hear, how much more intoxicating all the smells were. It was a wonderful sight, seeing a newly shifted wolf succumb to his new nature.

Most of us slept in the forest that night. Finn laid beside me in his wolf form with his tail possessively over my own and we rested our heads on our paws and I realised I didn't even bother thinking about the fact that I had a missing leg all night and no one had bothered staring. It was a nice feeling, knowing that I was finally accepting myself the way I was. No one stayed the same forever and at first, I thought my lost limb meant I lost a part of myself, but I realised now, in this moment under the cloudy night sky, that I hadn't lost myself at all.

I was still the same person I once was, but I was stronger now. I had more determination to live and thrive and be happy. Zagen had thought that I would live the rest of my life feeling a loss I could never come back from and wishing I was dead but staying alive purely because Finn would need me. But in the end, I felt more alive than perhaps I had ever done. I wanted to live and to prove that I could with happiness nestled in my heart rather than despair. There were always going to be things in the back of my mind that haunted me: memories in the form of nightmares, and a guilt I might never be able to shake. But, while I couldn't be happy every single second of every day, I could be happy in the long run and that was all I wanted and all that I would have.


Two more parts guys 😭

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