Chapter 31

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A week had maybe passed after Rowan's death. He was found a few hours after his questioning with claw marks in his throat, presumably from his own claws as no one else had entered the cells since our departure. He must have lost all hope and been so afraid of what would happen to him, and found no other way to help his sibling, that he didn't want to risk making anything worse and ended things right then and there.

I worried for the sister he told us about. In the days since his death that was the one of the only people on my mind, and I found myself stuck in memories of my own torture back at the Cero pack. Nights where they burned me with wolfsbane or let the plant's scent drive me insane for hours as I traversed through hallucinations and delusions that almost drove me to insanity.

During that time, I liked to think of Lucien, and it was thoughts of my one and only friend that helped me stay sane when the effects of the wolfsbane wore off and I came rushing back to reality. Now, when I found myself drifting off, being consumed by my past, it was Finn I thought of to help ground me and keep me whole. He was always there to hold me and kiss me and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

He was away at the moment though, having gone on a run with Alex. I didn't mind, I wanted him to spend time with his friend and be happy. I was also enjoying some time alone, which I do think I needed after being surrounded by my Finn constantly. It's not that I didn't enjoy his company, I loved it, I craved it, but I needed to spend some time alone and focus on myself for a bit. Spending time away from Finn for a few hours would be a good thing, we all needed to give ourselves space sometimes, especially us lone wolves.

I had been reading a book on the porch for a while. I wasn't really enjoying the book too much though, but I couldn't be bothered to go back inside the house and find something else. I was enjoying the fresh air and the sun on my face. I wondered how Alexis was doing at the moment. She was at college again today and she had told me yesterday that she managed to message Kenzy on social media and they had finally started talking. Alexis was trying to become friends with her mate before trying to go down the more romantic route. I hoped the best for her. She was a wonderful person and she deserved to be happy with her mate by her side.

Soon, I felt a shadow over me and when I looked up, it was Gia. I hadn't interacted with her very much since the first time I met her, so I wondered why she was here.

"Hi," she said timidly. "Mind if I join you?" she asked to which I nodded my head and changed my position so there was room to sit beside me on the porch steps. She was as pretty as the first time I saw her with her pale hair, pale eyelashes, and ice blue eyes.

"I'm not bothering you, am I?" she asked as she sat on her hands.

"Not at all," I told her honestly. I had been wondering how she was doing and wanted to spend some time with her but with my past rocky relationship with Alex and our awkward first meeting, I didn't really know how to approach her.

"I've uhh been meaning to talk to you if I'm being honest," she admitted turning to look at me as before she had been staring at her feet.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Well, Alex told me last week about how he had been treating you, told me about Robin and everything. I hope you know that he really is sorry now. But I wasn't too happy with him about it and for keeping secrets from me, so I think I gave him a well-deserved punishment," she said with a triumphant smile.

"What did you do?" I asked curiously.

"No sex for a week."

I smirked. That'll teach him. Even if he was sorry, he was still quite mean to me so I'm kind of glad that Gia did something about it.

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