Chapter 56

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Kenzy was sat on the sofa next to Gia in her new flat. There was a small apartment complex on the pack territory where smaller families could live and Gia had decided to move out of her old home and into a new one. Sleeping in the same bed as her mate but not having him there with her anymore had been hard on her and she had become paranoid that she would somehow lose the baby due to stress, so she tried to move away from all her stressors.

Kenzy came to the pack often and her and Alexis had fully mated just a couple weeks ago. It was autumn now and the leaves fell in colourful waves outside and I tried not to think about the same scene this time last year when I was stuck in Pack Cero as a prisoner. Kenzy's mate mark was obvious on her neck with her low-rise top and I smiled knowing that Alexis finally had the love of her life.

Kenzy didn't live in the pack though which was disappointing. She came from a human family and was just fresh out of college, like Alexis, and they wouldn't have allowed her to move in especially after not knowing Alexis for very long. They had gotten mad about the 'tattoo' on Kenzy's neck too apparently, annoyed that she would get matching tattoos, and such a big and obvious one, with a partner so quickly. Eventually Kenzy and Alexis would have to tell Kenzy's parents the truth about the whole werewolf thing but for now, I think they were making things work as they were.

"There!" Kenzy shouted. "Weylyn, I felt him kick!"

I hurried over to the two of them as quickly as my prosthetic leg would allow and sat next to Gia where she allowed me to place my hand on her belly and feel the baby kick. It was amazing and surreal feeling that light pressure against her stomach and my hand as a little bean grew inside of her. She had found out it was a boy, and we were all thrilled to hear it.

"Wow," I said amazed at the feeling of a baby inside of her. "Do you know what you're going to name him?"

"I considered Alex," Gia said with a chuckle "But I think we've got a lot of those. We had talked about what we would name our child before Alex died though, when we were still just trying and didn't know I was pregnant. He always like the name Xavier, thought it sounded powerful. So, I know it's a little cliché, but I was thinking to name the baby Xavier Alex King or does that sound a bit too pretentious?"

"I love it!" Kenzy said excited. She never got to meet Alex but Alexis and Kenzy had told her a lot about him.

"I like it too," Alexis said from the doorway with a smile and I added that I felt the same way.

I couldn't wait to see little Xavier grow up and become an amazing man and I owed it to him to be there for him and be the best uncle I could be after his father died partly due to me. I could forgive myself a little bit for it now and I could see that it wasn't entirely my fault, but I still felt I had some of the blame to share and I worked daily to try and be kind to myself like I always told my Finn.

The four of us ate lunch together in Gia's apartment and then I left the girls to head back home. Isabella had gone off to university a little less than a month ago and she had told us this morning that she met her mate, so the day had started of really well and I planned on ending it well too. I had a little picnic date planned for Finn when he got home from work as the Third and I couldn't wait for him to see it.

He had really taken on his duties well and managed to get everything he was assigned done even while having to look after me because of my leg, though, I knew Maeve had been giving him lighter jobs during that time. But now I was fully recovered and, while I was still a little wobbly at times on my new leg, I could manage most things on my own and I didn't need Finn to look after me as he had done so fervently before, so he was working as the Third full time and properly now. I did miss him a lot as I was so used to being in his company all the time, but I knew I would learn to deal with it, and it only made me cherish every moment we did get to share together even more.

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