Chapter 53

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"What's going to happen with Alpha Brudus?" I asked Finn. I was still in the hospital, but I would be allowed to go home tonight in a wheelchair. "He's not going to be as strong as he once was, is he?"

"No, unfortunately not..." Finn replied. He was sat on the bed with me, his back against the headrest just like mine, with his arm around me holding me close. "I think he'll ask Maeve to take over now."

"Does that mean you'll become the new Third?" I asked as typically when a new Alpha took over, new Betas and Thirds would as well.


"What...who will be Beta?" I asked not able to look Finn in the face. Alex had been a close friend of his and I couldn't help but think he might blame me for his death. Every time he talked to me in what I perceived as a different tone; I would keep thinking that he hated me now.

"No one for now. We don't have anyone in the pack who can do it. Al is too young and Lex isn't trained for it. Niamh will probably stay on as Beta until we can get someone maybe from another pack. There are some packs in America who we have familial links with so one of them might have a Beta who would be willing to come over. It will be a long process though, we'll have to wait and see," Finn explained. I nodded in understanding knowing that all these complications were because of me.

Just then the hospital door propped open. It was Gia. While I hadn't talked to Alex's mate, Gia, properly yet, I had seen his sister quite a few times since being in the hospital. Alexis tended to be here when Finn had gone back to shower and change or bring me back anything. I'd been nervous to talk to her but eventually I forced myself to have a bit of courage and apologised for killing her brother.

"You didn't kill anyone, Weylyn," she had said with a mournful look on her face. "It wasn't your fault. do you deal with it though? Losing a brother, I mean. Everything in the house just reminds me off him and Gia...I hear her crying in the room she used to share with him." Tears had run down her face as she cried into her hands with her elbows resting on the bed.

"You kind of just have to live with it until you find little ways to move on. Finn helps me a lot, maybe being with Kenzy can help you too?" I had told her. That night Alexis told Kenzy the truth, about how she was a werewolf and how they were mates and what being mates meant. Kenzy was shocked at first, I had been told, and didn't talk to Lex for two days which broke her heart. But then on the third day, Kenzy called her and apologised for ignoring her and wanted to get to know more about werewolves and being mates, and things had been going well for them since.

However, I still hadn't really faced Gia. I think she might have visited a few times but not while I was completely aware of everything. I would need to apologise to her too.

"Gia-" I started before she cut me off.

"Weylyn, don't," she said right away. "I know you're going to try and apologise and, I will admit, the first few days I blamed you-" She was cut off by my mate growling. He couldn't help it; I was his mate, and he has an instinct to defend me as I have for him, but I told him it was alright and Finn apologised for being rude, and then Gia was able to continue talking. "As I was saying, I did blame you but then...then I had a good think of things and I know it's not your fault. It's just so hard you know," she said getting closer.

"I know," I said nodding. "But I'm still sorry."

"That's the only time you get to say it then because it's really not your fault. And, well I've already told some family and I'm going to tell everyone else soon, but Alex won't be gone completely," she said hinting at something I didn't understand until she placed her hand on her belly.

"You're pregnant?!" Finn asked, a tone of excitement in his voice which made everything seem a little bit brighter.

Gia smiled. A small sad smile. "I am. And I'm going to need you guys and everyone else to let this little one know just what their father was like."

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