Chapter 22 (18+)

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Explicit sexual content, read at your own risk


When I woke up, I was laying on my side with Finn right in front of me. He was laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling but turned to look at me when he felt my body move as I tried to get comfortable in bed.

"Hey, you're awake," he said with a small smile as he brushed some hair out of my face. "I've never seen you do this before," he said gesturing to my thumb which was still in my mouth. Upon realisation, I quickly extracted my finger from my mouth and tried to hide under the covers out of embarrassment. I tried not to regress like that anymore when I was feeling stressed, but I guess I just couldn't help it this time.

"Hey...hey. Don't hide love," my mate whispered as he climbed under the covers with me so that we were both now facing each other under the cover of darkness created by the duvet. "It's cute." Finn placed a kiss on my thumb which was still a little wet from my saliva and then placed a kiss on my lips as well.

"I try not to do it anymore..." I explained. He gave me another kiss on the lips and then lots of little pecks on my cheek and neck, before pulling me in for a cuddle.

"Did you used to do it a lot?" he asked me as he rubbed his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss before placing a proper kiss on the tip of my nose with his lips.

"Yeah, when I was little I did it until I was about five years old. My mum got so mad one day, when I wouldn't listen to her after telling me to stop, that she shouted at me. My mum never shouted or got angry, so when she did it was really scary, and you knew it was serious. I basically never did it again after that until..." I trailed off.

"Until everything that happened at pack Cero?" he asked.

I nodded with a frown. "Yeah. Everything just would get so overwhelming and some part of me would have been in pain from where one of the guards used a silver knife to cut me or something. I would just start crying when I was finally left alone, never when they were hurting me because I didn't want them to see me breakdown like that. And, eventually, I just started sucking my thumb again. It's so stupid, makes me feel like a baby."

"Hey," he said with a nudge. "You call me baby all the time, and you don't think I'm stupid, do you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then I don't see why it would be stupid. You needed something to comfort you and if that helped then I'm sure it was a good thing."

"Okay... don't let me do it too often though. I don't want to make my mum mad..."

"Awe love, I'm sure she could never be mad at you. Not really."

I snuggled into him even more and hid my face in his neck. "You got mad at me..."

"No, I...I think I was just upset at losing you. Sometimes I get anger and sadness confused. I'm sorry about ignoring you but I used to say horrible things to people when I thought I was angry, when in reality I was just upset. Things I can never take back, which I lost a lot of friends over, and I just couldn't risk losing you."

"You wouldn't have lost me."

"I just couldn't risk it. I don't trust myself when I'm in that state. But I'm here now and I can give you lots of cuddles and kisses if that will help you feel better?"

"I would love that," I responded as I gave his neck a kiss.

He kept me close to him as we continued to hide under the covers, locked in each other's arms.

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